论文标题:Predicting nutrient content of ray-finned fishes using phylogenetic information
期刊:Nature Communications
作者:Bapu Vaitla, David Collar, Matthew R. Smith, Samuel S. Myers, Benjamin L. Rice, Christopher D. Golden
《自然-通讯》论文Predicting nutrient content of ray-finned fishes using phylogenetic information描述了一种对研究不足的鱼类进行营养含量预测的方法。迄今为止,只有一小部分海洋鱼类的营养成分是已知的。此次研究发现,辐鳍鱼或有望满足人类未来的营养需求。
美国哈佛大学的Bapu Vaitla及同事对 371种营养数据充足的辐鳍鱼观察后发现,亲缘关系较近的辐鳍鱼种类,其营养成分也较相似。作者基于这一信息,并借助了演化史资料和鱼类间关系以及其它变量(如生境偏好、地理分布范围),对约7500种其它研究不足的辐鳍鱼的营养含量进行了预测。这一方法确定了有潜力提供各种必需营养素的各科鱼类。根据预测,飞鱼科(exocoetids )、魣科(sphyraenids)、锯盖鱼科(centropomids)的蛋白质含量可能较高,尽管研究人员只对这些科目中一种鱼类的蛋白质含量进行了检测。
图2:鱼类的演化关系和营养成分,以百分位数表示。上图显示了数据库中371种物种中最具商业和营养价值的84种鱼类。图源: Vaitla等
摘要:Human food and nutrition security is dependent on marine ecosystems threatened by overfishing, climate change, and other processes. The consequences on human nutritional status are uncertain, in part because current methods of analyzing fish nutrient content are expensive. Here, we evaluate the possibility of predicting nutrient content of ray-finned fishes using existing phylogenetic and life history information. We focus on nutrients for which fish are important sources: protein, total fat, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. Our results show that life history traits are weak predictors of species nutrient content, but phylogenetic relatedness is associated with similar nutrient profiles. Further, we develop a method for predicting the nutrient content of 7500+ species based on phylogenetic relationships to species with known nutrient content. Our approach is a cost-effective means for estimating potential changes in human nutrient intake associated with altered access to ray-finned fishes.
期刊介绍:Nature Communications (https://www.nature.com/ncomms/) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.
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