作者:Henry Braun 来源:Large-scale Assessments in Education 发布时间:2018/10/10 9:48:51
限制个人职业发展的究竟是“穷爸富爸”还是你的性别 | Springer Open

论文标题:How long is the shadow? The relationships of family background to selected adult outcomes: results from PIAAC

期刊:Large-scale Assessments in Education

作者:Henry Braun





原文作者:Henry Braun

家庭对一个人生活的影响有多大?它会决定我们的学业,职业和收入吗?如果真的有影响,这些来自家庭优劣的影响又是如何代代相传的呢?最近在Large-scale Assessments in Education上发表的一个新研究试图解答这些问题。


我们的数据来自21个参与第一轮国际成人能力评估项目(PIAAC, 2012)的国家。PIAAC是在技术平台上进行的家庭调查。调查通过概率抽样选定成人参与者,首先在不同技能层面进行评估,然后再通过广泛的背景调查问卷进行评估。






Ongoing interest in the relationships between family background and adult outcomes is motivated by concerns regarding the intergenerational transmission of advantage/disadvantage. Currently all countries are far from achieving the ideal that all individuals, irrespective of their starting points or their demographic characteristics, are able to accumulate sufficient human capital so that they can achieve success in the workplace and fulfill their responsibilities as family members and as citizens. This study quantifies the length of the shadow cast by family background and personal characteristics on an individual’s prospects in the labor market. It also examines the extent to which these relationships are mediated by factors more proximal to labor market entry.


This study uses data for 21 OECD countries from the first round of PIAAC. It employs descriptive statistics, correlations and logistic regression. Two dichotomous variables are derived from each country’s national annual income distribution: Q1 = 1 if the individual’s income is in the first (lower) quartile and Q4 = 1 if the individual works full-time and whose income is in the fourth (upper) quartile. For each country, a nested sequence of logistic regression models are fit to ascertain the role of more proximal factors in mediating the impact of family background and demographic characteristics on these labor market outcomes.


The patterns of relationships are qualitatively similar across the 21 countries, although the estimated associations vary greatly in strength. Parental education accounts for substantial proportions of the variation in respondents’ Educational Attainment and Cognitive Skills. In most countries, children born to parents with lower levels of education have less than a fifty–fifty chance of exceeding that level. Family background is strongly associated with income, but the relationship is largely mediated by Educational Attainment and Cognitive Skills. Females and younger individuals have much higher odds of being in the lower quartile and much lower odds of reaching the upper quartile, even after adjusting for other variables. The magnitudes of these adjusted odds are concerning.


Family background and gender cast a long shadow on individuals’ life prospects. Countries vary greatly in their success in mitigating these disadvantages. Formulating effective policies will depend on understanding a complex set of dynamics that surely differ among countries.



Large-scale Assessments in Education (https://largescaleassessmentsineducation.springeropen.com/) is a joint publication of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) and Educational Testing Service (ETS). The articles in this journal contribute to the science of large-scale assessments, help disseminate state-of-the-art information about empirical research using these databases and make the results available to policy makers and researchers around the world.


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