【征稿】急症护理麻醉学 | BMC Anesthesiology征稿 |
论文标题:Call for papers: Acute care anesthesiology
期刊:BMC Anesthesiology
作者:Athanasios Chalkias, Vladimir Cerny
为了让读者更多地了解急诊护理麻醉学这个领域,并让同行认识到该领域的重要性,BMC Anesthesiology 推出了一个关于急诊护理麻醉学的专题系列。本系列的主要目的是进一步认识麻醉师在围手术期复苏中的重要性。我们十分欢迎来自研究中心或个人的投稿,希望这些发现能够显著改善危重病人的围手术期管理。
preoperative management in the Emergency Department or the Ward and optimization of physiology for emergency/acute care surgery (e.g. emergency airway management, advanced cardiac life support, trauma resuscitation, permissive hypotension, pre-warming, lung-protective mechanical ventilation, etc..);
intraoperative resuscitation (fluid management, arrhythmias, multiple organ failure, invasive and non-invasive monitoring, lung-protective ventilation, massive transfusion, coagulation disorders, drugs, hemodynamics, microcirculation, temperature management, non-technical skills, etc.);
early and late postoperative critical care in the Postanesthesia Care Unit or the Intensive Care Unit, respectively. We hope that beyond the state-of-art, this thematic series will also stimulate high-quality research that will improve the perioperative management and resuscitation of extremely critically ill patients.
请在投稿时注明 “Acute Care Anesthesiology”专题,如有与投稿相关的问题,也欢迎您致信我们BMC Anesthesiology 的编辑guangde.tu@biomedcentral.com
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BMC Anesthesiology is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of anesthesiology, critical care, perioperative care and pain management, including clinical and experimental research into anesthetic mechanisms, administration and efficacy, technology and monitoring, and associated economic issues.
Citation Impact
1.619 - 2-year IF
2.040 - 5-year IF
0.917 - SNIP