光系统II亚基S过表达可增加田间种植作物的用水效率 |
论文标题:Photosystem II Subunit S overexpression increases the efficiency of water use in a field-grown crop
期刊:Nature Communications
作者:Krishna K. Niyogi & Stephen P. Long et al
2018年3月,《自然-通讯》发表了一篇名为Photosystem II Subunit S overexpression increases the efficiency of water use in a field-grown crop的研究。全球大部分粮食作物都依赖于灌溉,不光消耗着全球地下水,并使全球粮食生产的可持续性面临风险。为了在光合作用过程中捕获大气中的二氧化碳,作物的气孔需要保持开放状态,以使二氧化碳扩散到叶中。然而,气孔开放导致植物根系吸收的大部分水分通过蒸腾作用而流失。在该研究中来自美国伊利诺伊大学的Stephen P. Long等学者揭示了PsbS(Photosystem II Subunit S,光系统II亚基S)的表达对植物气孔开放的影响。
摘要:Insufficient water availability for crop production is a mounting barrier to achieving the 70% increase in food production that will be needed by 2050. One solution is to develop crops that require less water per unit mass of production. Water vapor transpires from leaves through stomata, which also facilitate the influx of CO2 during photosynthetic assimilation. Here, we hypothesize that Photosystem II Subunit S (PsbS) expression affects a chloroplast-derived signal for stomatal opening in response to light, which can be used to improve water-use efficiency. Transgenic tobacco plants with a range of PsbS expression, from undetectable to 3.7 times wild-type are generated. Plants with increased PsbS expression show less stomatal opening in response to light, resulting in a 25% reduction in water loss per CO2 assimilated under field conditions. Since the role of PsbS is universal across higher plants, this manipulation should be effective across all crops.