未来的人工肌肉:高性能磷烯机电驱动器|npj Computational Materials |
论文标题:High-performance phosphorene electromechanical actuators
期刊:Npj Computational Materials
作者:Bozhao Wu, Hui-Xiong Deng et.al
近年来,磷烯从其本体形态(黑磷)成功剥离制备后,其结构、性质及应用得到了大量研究。它具有显著的面内机械各向异性,这与石墨烯的面内弹性各向同性不同。理论计算表明,磷烯沿扶手椅和锯齿方向的断裂应变(拉伸刚度)分别高达30%(23 N/m)和27%(92.3 N/m),在高性能电机的开发中具有广阔的应用前景。但目前其机电性能的机理尚不明确。
来自武汉大学的Ze Liu和高恩来教授等人,采用第一性原理计算方法,研究了原始磷烯的机电性能。他们发现,荷电诱导的磷烯最大驱动应变为36.6%,比石墨烯(4.7%)和硅烯(2.5%)的最大驱动应变大。同时,理论计算的体积功率密度远大于已研究的石墨烯。对其电子结构和原子结构的分析揭示了其优异的机电性能的机理。在此基础上,他们考察了复合机电载荷下的结构完整性,发现磷光体具有优良的机电驱动性能。磷烯的最大驱动应变、应力和体积功率密度分别高达36.6%、7.0 GPa和207.7 J/cm3。通过对原子结构、电子结构和力学的分析发现,电荷注入对单分子磷烯的电子性质有着重要影响:空穴注入增大了带隙,而电子注入缩小了带隙。最后,他们通过荷电磷烯的单轴实验证明了磷烯在复合机电载荷下具有显著的机械稳定性,在构建纳米机电驱动器方面具有广阔的应用前景。
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摘要:Phosphorene, a two-dimensional material that can be exfoliated from black phosphorus, exhibits remarkable mechanical, thermal, electronic, and optical properties. In this work, we demonstrate that the unique structure of pristine phosphorene endows this material with exceptional quantum-mechanical performance by using first-principles calculations. Upon charge injection, the maximum actuation stress is 7.0 GPa, corresponding to the maximum actuation strain as high as 36.6% that is over seven times larger than that of graphene (4.7%) and comparable with natural muscle (20–40%). Meanwhile, the maximum volumetric work density of phosphorene (207.7 J/cm3) is about three orders of magnitude larger than natural muscle (0.008–0.04 J/cm3) and approximately six times larger than graphene (35.3 J/cm3). The underlying mechanism of this exceptional electromechanical performance in phosphorene is well revealed from the analysis of atomic structure and electronic structure. Finally, the influence of charge on the mechanical behaviors of phosphorene is examined by mechanical tests, indicating the sufficient structural integrity of phosphorene under the combined electromechanical loading. These findings shed light on phosphorene for promising applications in developing nanoelectromechanical actuators.