要实现控制升温,森林管理或比生物质能碳捕集与封存更有效 |
论文标题:Land-use emissions play a critical role in landbased mitigation for Paris climate targets
期刊:Nature Communications
作者:Anna B. Harper et al
《自然-通讯》发表的一项研究Land-use emissions play a critical role in landbased mitigation for Paris climate targets显示,为了将全球气温较工业化前水平的升幅控制在1.5°C以内,基于森林的气候变化减缓策略或许比生物质能碳捕集与封存(BECCS)更有效。这项模型研究显示,为了将全球升温控制在1.5°C以内(最高不超过2°C),BECCS用作物替代生态系统的方法会导致土壤的净碳流失。
图1:土地使用和气候变化的场景假设。图源:Harper et al.
英国埃克萨特大学的Anna Harper及同事运用包括BECCS和森林管理方式的模型证实:在采取BECCS策略时,随着温控情景从2°C降到1.5°C,模拟的土壤总碳储量也会随土地利用变化而相应减少。用高产生物能源作物替代高碳生态系统,会导致植被和土壤碳流失,并最终抵消BECCS取得的效果。这种情况下,森林管理是一种更有效的平衡碳预算的方法,可以让升温稳定在1.5°C以内。
图2:通过模拟比较森林和BECCS的碳封存。图源:Harper et al.
摘要:Scenarios that limit global warming to below 2 °C by 2100 assume significant land-use change to support large-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) removal from the atmosphere by afforestation/reforestation, avoided deforestation, and Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS). The more ambitious mitigation scenarios require even greater land area for mitigation and/or earlier adoption of CO2 removal strategies. Here we show that additional land-use change to meet a 1.5 °C climate change target could result in net losses of carbon from the land. The effectiveness of BECCS strongly depends on several assumptions related to the choice of biomass, the fate of initial above ground biomass, and the fossil-fuel emissions offset in the energy system. Depending on these factors, carbon removed from the atmosphere through BECCS could easily be offset by losses due to land-use change. If BECCS involves replacing high-carbon content ecosystems with crops, then forest-based mitigation could be more efficient for atmospheric CO2 removal than BECCS.