作者:Anwar Suleman Mall, Habtom Habte, Yolanda Mthembu, Julia Peacocke and Corena de Beer 来源:Virology Journal 发布时间:2018/11/27 13:05:45
粘液和粘蛋白:它们在抑制HIV病毒时起作用吗?| Virology Journal

论文标题:Mucus and Mucins: do they have a role in the inhibition of the human immunodeficiency virus?

期刊:Virology Journal

作者:Anwar Suleman Mall, Habtom Habte, Yolanda Mthembu, Julia Peacocke and Corena de Beer






Anwar Suleman Mall等人在Virology Journal上发表的一综述文章揭示了粘液和黏蛋白在抑制人类免疫缺陷病毒方面的作用。


粘蛋白是一个O-连接的大型糖化蛋白,它赋予粘液成胶的特性。有体外试验显示:唾液、母乳、 和宫颈塞含有的粘液以及它们含有的粘蛋白能够抑制HIV病毒(HIV-1)。

在许多人体器官内腔的上皮表面上,未经加工的粘液胶形成了连续不断的层面并保护上皮表面使其不受侵略性物质的冲击, 比如在胃腔里减少了盐酸和胃蛋白酶的水解反应带来的破坏,在大肠里降低了肠道蠕动时干硬大便产生的压力,在阴道里减少了性交带给的切变影响,以及降低了外来物质对呼吸道的伤害。粘蛋白含有与肿瘤有关的表位。在治疗上皮表面恶性癌细胞时,这些表位适合做引导免疫治疗的靶点。所以粘蛋白成为了诊断和预报多种疾病的重要标志,甚至可以影响以粘蛋白为基础的疫苗的设计。





Mucins are large O-linked glycosylated proteins which give mucus their gel-forming properties. There are indications that mucus and mucins in saliva, breast milk and in the cervical plug inhibit the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) in an in vitro assay.

Main body of abstract

Crude mucus gels form continuous layers on the epithelial surfaces of the major internal tracts of the body and protect these epithelial surfaces against aggressive luminal factors such as hydrochloric acid and pepsin proteolysis in the stomach lumen, the movement of hard faecal pellets in the colon at high pressure, the effects of shear against the vaginal epithelium during intercourse and the presence of foreign substances in the respiratory airways. Tumour-associated epitopes on mucins make them suitable as immune-targets on malignant epithelial cells, rendering mucins important as diagnostic and prognostic markers for various diseases, even influencing the design of mucin-based vaccines.

Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest prevalence of HIV-AIDS in the world. The main points of viral transmission are via the vaginal epithelium during sexual intercourse and mother-to-child transmission during breast-feeding. There have been many studies showing that several body fluids have components that prevent the transmission of HIV-1 from infected to non-infected persons through various forms of contact.

Crude saliva and its purified mucins, MUC5B and MUC7, and the purified mucins from breast milk, MUC1 and MUC4 and pregnancy plug cervical mucus (MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC5B and MUC6), inhibit HIV-1 in an in vitro assay. There are conflicting reports of whether crude breast-milk inhibits HIV-1 in an in vitro assay. However studies with a humanised BLT mouse show that breast-milk does inhibit HIV and that breast-feeding is still advisable even amongst HIV-positive women in under-resourced areas, preferably in conjunction with anti-retroviral treatment.


These findings raise questions of how such a naturally occurring biological substance such as mucus, with remarkable protective properties of epithelial surfaces against aggressive luminal factors in delicate locations, could be used as a tool in the fight against HIV-AIDS, which has reached epidemic proportions in sub-Saharan Africa.




Virology Journal(https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/,2.465 -2-year Impact Factor, 2.373 -5-year Impact Factor)is an open access, peer reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of virology, including research on the viruses of animals, plants and microbes. The journal welcomes basic research as well as pre-clinical and clinical studies of novel diagnostic tools, vaccines and anti-viral therapies.


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