论文标题:Simulation-based reconstruction of global bird migration over the past 50,000 years
期刊:Nature Communications
作者:Marius Somveille, Martin Wikelski et.al
《自然-通讯》发表的一项研究Simulation-based reconstruction of global bird migration over the past 50,000 years对过去5万年的全球鸟类迁徙模式进行了重建。模型显示,全球鸟类迁徙在末次冰期的重要性并不亚于今天。研究结果表明,迁徙现象存在的时间比之前认为的更久。
模型说明|来源: Somveille, M., Wikelski, M., Beyer, R.M.等
德国马克斯·普朗克动物行为研究所的Marius Somveille和同事表明,鸟类在过去5万年里可能一直都有迁徙的行为。作者根据能量效率(即获取资源与迁徙能量成本之间的相互影响)模拟了全球鸟类的季节性地理分布。作者利用现存的几乎全部非海洋鸟类(9783种)的已知分布验证了模型,再将其与过去气候重建相结合。根据作者的模拟,尽管末次盛冰期(约2万年前)到当前的间冰期期间曾发生过重大的气候变化,但鸟类迁徙对全球的重要性并未发生过改变。然而,这种重要性的区域变化较为显著,例如,在末次盛冰期迁徙的美洲鸟类比今天的要少。
摘要:Migration is a widespread response of birds to seasonally varying climates. As seasonality is particularly pronounced during interglacial periods, this raises the question of the significance of bird migration during past periods with different patterns of seasonality. Here, we apply a mechanistic model to climate reconstructions to simulate the past 50,000 years of bird migration worldwide, a period encompassing the transition between the last glacial period and the current interglacial. Our results indicate that bird migration was also a prevalent phenomenon during the last ice age, almost as much as today, suggesting that it has been continually important throughout the glacial cycles of recent Earth history. We find however regional variations, with increasing migratory activity in the Americas, which is not mirrored in the Old World. These results highlight the strong flexibility of the global bird migration system and offer a baseline in the context of on-going anthropogenic climate change.