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期刊:Communications Materials
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《通讯-材料》Communications Materials作为自然科研Communications系列的一本新刊,创办于2019年末,旨在发表材料学领域内的重要研究。Communications Materials通过发表高质量、范围广及开放获取的文章,最大化地提高了研究的可见度。
Communications Materials主要发表对某个特定领域有重要意义的研究,更重要的是这些研究也应能引起其他领域专家的兴趣。例如,新的基础性认识,性能的改进,重要应用的展示,前沿的技术和方法,有价值的数据集等。
在2020年的2月4日,Communications Materials首批文章上线,欢迎选阅。点击“阅读原文”,了解这本新的材料学期刊。
John Plummer
Chief Editor
Welcome to Communications Materials
Maximilian Liebetreu and Christos Likos
University of Vienna, Austria
Hydrodynamic Inflation of Ring Polymers under Shear
Miguel Montesinos-Ballester
Université Paris-Saclay, France
Optical modulation in Ge-rich SiGe waveguides in the mid-IR wavelength range up to 11 µm
Yue-Wen Fang and Hanghui Chen
Kyoto University and New York University
Design of a new multifunctional polar metal via first-principles high-throughput structure screening
Masato Matsubara, and Ryoji Asahi
Toyota Central R&D Labs, Japan
Identifying superionic conductors by materials informatics and high-throughput synthesis
Norio Kumada
NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan
Active spatial control of terahertz graphene plasmons by tailoring carrier density profile
Eduard Vives
Universite Blaysat, France, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, Universita di Padova, Italy
Concurrent tracking of strain and noise bursts at ferroelastic phase fronts