来源:Genome Medicine 发布时间:2019/10/8 13:56:23
Monthly Round Up | Genome Medicine

期刊:Genome Medicine




Genome Medicineis pleased to share with you our August content update, featuring journal news, top articles and our most recent table of contents.

Special issue: Tumor immune microenvironment and immunotherapy

Read new articles inGenome Medicine’sspecial issue on‘Tumor immune microenvironment and immunotherapy’, guest edited by Zlatko Trajanoski and Noel de Miranda.

This special issue includes a practical guide to neoantigen characterization for clinical utility, insights gained from longitudinal monitoring of the neoantigen landscape in colorectal cancer, hyperprogression in cancer patients following immune checkpoint therapy and much more! Read the guest editors’ editorial and their vision for the field.


Featured Review and Research

Best practices for bioinformatic characterization of neoantigens for clinical utility

Malachi Griffith and colleagues provide a practical guide for bioinformatic characterization of neoantigens for clinical utility to instruct personalized vaccine development.

Improved precision of epigenetic clock estimates across tissues and its implication for biological ageing

Editorial Board Member Peter Visscher and colleagues present improved precision of the epigenetic clock and its association with mortality.

Variant Interpretation for Cancer (VIC): a computational tool for assessing clinical impacts of somatic variants

Max He and colleagues present VIC -a tool that standardizes and accelerates the interpretation of somatic variants in cancer.


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