论文标题:The rise in ocean plastics evidenced from a 60-year time series
期刊:Nature Communications
作者:Clare Ostle, Richard C. Thompson, Derek Broughton, Lance Gregory, Marianne Wootton, David G. Johns
数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-09506-1
《自然-通讯》本周发表的一篇论文The rise in ocean plastics evidenced from a 60-year time series指出,北大西洋和临近海域的塑料数量从上世纪90年代以来增长显著。通过一种海洋采样仪上的塑料缠结记录,作者统计了1957-2016年的海洋塑料出现数据,并展示了海洋中最早的一些塑料记录。
图1: 塑料在北大西洋和邻近海域的分布。图源:Ostle等
浮游生物连续记录仪(Continuous Plankton Recorder,CPR)是一种浮游生物采集仪器。1957年以来,CPR已在北大西洋和邻近海域拖曳超过650万海里。英国海洋生物学会的Clare Ostle和同事利用记录仪中的塑料缠结记录,统计了北大西洋 1957-2016年的海洋塑料数量变化。基于这一数据集,团队确认了公海塑料数量从90年代至今的预期增长。作者发现,CPR上的塑料缠结从2000年开始增长了约10倍。其中,渔业相关的塑料缠结(如渔网)对过去20年间的塑料增长贡献最大,CPR在北大西洋南部发生缠结的几率最高。
摘要:Plastic production has increased exponentially since its use became widespread in the 1950s. This has led to increased concern as plastics have become prevalent in the oceanic environment, and evidence of their impacts on marine organisms and human health has been highlighted. Despite their prevalence, very few long-term (>40 years) records of the distribution and temporal trends of plastics in the world’s oceans exist. Here we present a new time series, from 1957 to 2016 and covering over 6.5 million nautical miles, based on records of when plastics have become entangled on a towed marine sampler. This consistent time series provides some of the earliest records of plastic entanglement, and is the first to confirm a significant increase in open ocean plastics in recent decades.
期刊介绍:Nature Communications(https://www.nature.com/ncomms/) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.
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