论文标题:Acid-base adjustments and first evidence of denticle corrosion caused by ocean acidification conditions in a demersal shark species
期刊:Scientific Reports
作者:Jacqueline Dziergwa, Sarika Singh et.al
《科学报告》本周发表的一项研究 Acid-base adjustments and first evidence of denticle corrosion caused by ocean acidification conditions in a demersal shark species指出,长时间暴露在高二氧化碳含量(酸化)的海水中,可能会腐蚀覆盖在埃氏宽瓣鲨皮肤表面的齿状鳞片(盾鳞)。人类活动导致海洋中CO2浓度不断增加,海洋环境日趋酸化,对其中生活的野生动植物构成了潜在影响。虽然此前已研究过酸化海水对多个物种的影响,但这是首次观察到长期暴露会腐蚀鲨鱼的盾鳞。
图片来源:Jaqueline Dziergwa
图片来源:Jaqueline Dziergwa
南非斯泰伦博斯大学环境、林业与渔业系的Lutz Auerswald和同事研究了酸化海水暴露对埃氏宽瓣鲨的影响。作者发现,在酸化海水中生活九周的三头鲨鱼中,平均有25%的盾鳞受损;而另外三头生活在非酸化海水中的鲨鱼组成的对照组中,这一比例只有9.2%。作者认为,这种腐蚀可能会损害鲨鱼皮肤的保护作用,影响敞水性(open-water)鲨鱼的游动能力,因为盾鳞表面会影响鲨鱼游速。作者还推断鲨鱼牙齿可能会出现类似腐蚀(鲨鱼牙齿与盾鳞的结构和组成均相同),或对其摄食造成不利影响。
摘要:Global ocean acidification is expected to chronically lower the pH to 7.3 (>2200 µatm seawater pCO2) by the year 2300. Acute hypercapnia already occurs along the South African west and south coasts due to upwelling- and low-oxygen events, with increasing frequency. In the present project we investigated the impact of hypercapnia on the endemic demersal shark species Haploblepharus edwardsii. Specifically, we experimentally analysed acid-base regulation during acute and chronic hypercapnia, the effects of chronic hypercapnia on growth rates and on denticle structure- and composition. While H. edwardsiiare physiologically well adapted to acute and chronic hypercapnia, we observed, for the first time, denticle corrosion as a result of chronic exposure. We conclude that denticle corrosion could increase denticle turnover and compromise hydrodynamics and skin protection.