论文标题:Moderate decline in select synaptic markers in the prefrontal cortex (BA9) of patients with Alzheimer’s disease at various cognitive stages
期刊:Scientific Reports
作者:Stéphanie Daumas & Salah El Mestikawy

随着世界人口衰老化,阿尔茨海默病 (AD)的案例日渐增多。现在全球有近五千万的AD 病人,每年有近一千万个新病例。中国大约有一千万的AD病例。AD在中国西部最为普遍,其次是北部,中部和南部。
AD是一种会逐渐恶化的神经系统衰退性疾病。其临床特征包括记忆障碍、失语、失用、失认、视空间技能下降、执行功能障碍、性格和行为改变甚至全面性痴呆。AD公认的生物标记包括β淀粉样蛋白在神经细胞之间不正常地聚合成的色斑,tau 蛋白在神经细胞内不正常的聚合导致的神经原纤维的混乱状态和神经突触的丧失。其他导致AD的因素包括:向大脑输血的失常和神经细胞外的排泄物引发的炎症。虽然研究界已经发现诸多与AD有关的标记和因素,但是其病因迄今未明。
最近在《科学报告》发表的名为Moderate decline in select synaptic markers in the prefrontal cortex (BA9) of patients with Alzheimer’s disease at various cognitive stages 的文章里,法国索邦大学神经科学系的Salah El Mestikawy 博士的团队研究了突触里的蛋白标记和痴呆症的发展之间的关系。
作者们指出,以前的元分析里的研究的样本量较小,平均只有十个对比和十个病人,会影响结论。所以这里他们大幅度地增加了样本量。他们研究了在新皮质里的突触,因为新皮层是负责高等功能,即会AD里衰退的功能,比如知觉、运动指令的产生、空间推理、语言。他们测量了新皮层里神经传递相关的标记的含量,比如谷氨酸能通路的VGLUT1, VGLUT2, PSD95, 和EAAT2, GABA能通路上的 VIAAT 和 somatostatin,以及和胆碱能通路上的choline acetyl transferase和 ChAT。
普遍领域内的理论预测这些标记会在晚期痴呆病人里有明显的下降。然而作者们发现,除了VGLUT1,其他标记的下降程度不大。采用线性组合分析和主成分分析,他们发现这七个标记不能成为临床痴呆评定量表的标记。作者们的发现和领域内被接受的理论有所出入。他们的结论是,突触在新皮层的损失和痴呆的发展之间关系可能比想象中更加微妙, 需要更深入的研究。
摘要:Synaptic loss, plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are viewed as hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This study investigated synaptic markers in neocortical Brodmann area 9 (BA9) samples from 171 subjects with and without AD at different levels of cognitive impairment. The expression levels of vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT1&2), glutamate uptake site (EAAT2), post-synaptic density protein of 95 kD (PSD95), vesicular GABA/glycine transporter (VIAAT), somatostatin (som), synaptophysin and choline acetyl transferase (ChAT) were evaluated. VGLUT2 and EAAT2 were unaffected by dementia. The VGLUT1, PSD95, VIAAT, som, ChAT and synaptophysin expression levels significantly decreased as dementia progressed. The maximal decrease varied between 12% (synaptophysin) and 42% (som). VGLUT1 was more strongly correlated with dementia than all of the other markers (polyserial correlation = −0.41). Principal component analysis using these markers was unable to differentiate the CDR groups from one another. Therefore, the status of the major synaptic markers in BA9 does not seem to be linked to the cognitive status of AD patients. The findings of this study suggest that the loss of synaptic markers in BA9 is a late event that is only weakly related to AD dementia.
期刊介绍:Scientific Reportsis an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.
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