150年一千余次欧洲洪灾数据显示,洪水的影响在缩小 |
Trends in flood losses in Europe over the past 150 years
Dominik Paprotny, Antonia Sebastian, Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles & Sebastiaan N. Jonkman
29 May 2018
Adverse consequences of floods change in time and are influenced by both natural and socio-economic trends and interactions. In Europe, previous studies of historical flood losses corrected for demographic and economic growth (‘normalized’) have been limited in temporal and spatial extent, leading to an incomplete representation of trends in losses over time. Here we utilize a gridded reconstruction of flood exposure in 37 European countries and a new database of damaging floods since 1870. Our results indicate that, after correcting for changes in flood exposure, there has been an increase in annually inundated area and number of persons affected since 1870, contrasted by a substantial decrease in flood fatalities. For more recent decades we also found a considerable decline in financial losses per year. We estimate, however, that there is large underreporting of smaller floods beyond most recent years, and show that underreporting has a substantial impact on observed trends.
根据本周《自然-通讯》发表的一项研究Trends in flood losses in Europe over the past 150 years,自1870年以来,洪水淹没面积和受灾人数在整个欧洲都有所增加,但相关的经济损失和死亡人数有所下降。
荷兰代尔夫特理工大学的Dominik Paprotny及其同事分析了欧洲的自然灾害历史分析数据库——涵盖了1870年至2016年的数据。他们检查了自1870年以来的1564次洪水事件及其对生命和财产的影响,发现整个欧洲被洪水淹没的地区面积增加了。同期欧洲总人口显著增加(130%),城市人口增幅更大(1,000%)。尽管如此,在1950年之前,洪水造成的死亡人数一直呈逐渐下降趋势(每年1.4%)。而在1950年至2016年间,每年减少4.3%。作者发现在财产方面呈现出类似的趋势,在1950年到2016年年间,尽管欧洲的整体财富增长了2000%,但洪水造成的经济损失却下降了,每年最大降幅为2.6%。

暴露于洪水的趋势。百年暴露于河流与河岸洪水的欧洲人口比例 (a),包括至2020年的短期预测;和 (b)每个国家(1870-2016)百年里基于百分比的暴露人口变化。 数据来源: HANZE database47with country borders from PBL82

洪水事件及致命性。1870年到2016年间洪水的发生次数和人员损失总数(未经调整,报告值),基于(a) 月(b)国家 数据来源: HANZE database 47 with country borders from PBL82
Brenden Jongman在相应的评论文章中指出,为了控制洪水并缓解其经济影响,需要实施有效的适应策略,将防洪基础设施、基于自然的解决方案和风险融资计划综合起来。(来源:科学网)