有史以来最具影响力的电影是哪部?桃乐丝带着小伙伴得第一 |
论文标题:Identification of key films and personalities in the history of cinema from a Western perspective
期刊:Applied Network Science
作者:Livio Bioglio and Ruggero G. Pensa
最近发表在Applied Network Science上的一项研究指出,历史上最具影响力的电影前三名分别是《绿野仙踪》、《星球大战》和《惊魂记》。

研究的第一作者Livio Bioglio博士说:“票房收入会受到除电影质量以外的因素影响,比如广告、发行,还有非常主观的影评,我们提出的是另一个用来分析电影成功与否的方法。我们开发出了一个算法,利用电影间的相互参考、借鉴来衡量电影是否成功,这个方法还可以通过导演和演员在高分电影中的参与程度来衡量他们的发展情况。”
The success of a film is usually measured through its box-office revenue or through the opinion of professional critics; such measures, however, may be influenced by external factors, such as advertisement or trends, and are not able to capture the impact of a film over time. Thanks to the recent availability of data on references among movies, some researchers have started to use citations patterns as an alternative method for ranking movies. In this paper, we propose a novel ranking method for films based on the network of references among movies, calculated by combining four well known centrality indexes: in-degree, closeness, harmonic and PageRank. Our objective is to measure the success of a movie by accounting how much it has influenced other movies produced after its release, from both the artistic and the economic point of view. We apply our method on a subset of the IMDb (Internet Movie Database) citation network consisting of around 47,000 international movies, and we derive a list of films that can be considered milestones in the history of cinema. For each movie we also collect data on its year of release, genres and countries of production, to analyze trends and patterns in the film industry according to such features. We also collect data on 20,000 directors and almost 400,000 performers (actors and actresses), and we use the network of references and our score of movies for evaluating their career, and for ranking them. Since the IMDb dataset we employ is highly biased toward European and North American movies and personalities, our findings can be considered relevant principally for Western culture.
Applied Network Science (ANS)( https://appliednetsci.springeropen.com/) is an open-access and strictly peer-reviewed journal giving researchers and practitioners in the field the ability to reach a larger audience. ANS encompasses all established and emerging fields that have been or can be shown to benefit from quantitative network-based modeling. Contributions from all fields of science, technology, medicine and humanities will be considered, in particular from newly emerging research areas formed and developing at the interfaces of presently established sub-disciplines.