Figure 1. a) SEM image of the chemically derived graphene sheets lying on a SiO2/Si substrate. b) SEM image showing a domain of the hcp PS nanosphere monolayer that masked the graphene sheets. c) SEM image of the large area, interconnected 2D GNRs network etched through an hcp monolayer NSL mask. d) Tapping mode AFM image of a selected typical nanoribbon with width of ca. 12 nm (measured via line scan profile). e) SEM images showing the temporal evolution of the individual dumbbell-like GNRs etched through the isolated pairs of packed nanospheres (top panel) with etching durations of 12 s, 18 s and 24 s. Scale bars in (e): 500 nm. f) Schematic illustration (not to scale) showing the NSL-defined lithographic etching process of graphene sheets.
Figure 2. a, c) SEM images showing the well-defined nanosphere pentagons and linear chains formed from ≈ 1 μ m PS nanospheres in the ≈ 3 μ m cylindrical holes of the photoresist and 2 μm spheres in photoresist trenches with ≈ 2 μm width. b, d) SEM images of the pentagonal ring and linear chain architectures of connected GNRs, etched through the corresponding nanosphere masks. Scale bars: 1 μm.
Figure 3. a) Schematic illustration of the on-chip bandgap tuning of graphene through NSL nanopatterning and subsequent O2-plasma etching. b) AFM image of a typical FET device based on the mechanically cleaved single-layer graphene sheet. c) Evolution of the device current–voltage ( Ids – Vds ) characteristics for different etching times (12 s, 18 s, 24 s, and 30 s). d) Evolution of the gate-voltage (Vg)-dependent electrical conductance of the same device upon etching. e) Ids – Vds curves recorded under various Vg for the device after 30 s etching. f) Micro-Raman spectra of the pristine graphene sheet and the resultant GNRs network produced by 30 s of etching.
石墨烯(Graphene)自2004年发现以来,成为凝聚态物理与材料科学等领域的一个研究热点。石墨烯的超高室温载流子迁移率与可剪裁加工的特性,使其成为未来纳米电子学器件的重要候选材料。石墨烯本身是零带隙材料,如果直接用其构筑场效应晶体管(FET)器件,门控效果极其有限,难以实现开关特性。目前的一种解决方案是,把石墨烯裁剪成在横向方向为有限尺寸的石墨烯纳米带结构,电子在横向上受限,纳米带则成为典型的准一维系统,石墨烯的能隙被打开。因此,如何高效、可控地制备石墨烯纳米带(宽度到10 nm左右或以下)是当前该领域的一个充满挑战的重要研究课题。
Adv. Mater.23,1246 (2011)) 上。