FoAR | 前沿研究:基于不完全正镶嵌和半正镶嵌的模块化响应式立面方案——采光和视觉舒适 |
论文标题:Modular responsive facade proposals based on semi-regular and demi-regular tessellation: daylighting and visual comfort(基于不完全正镶嵌和半正镶嵌的模块化响应式立面方案——采光和视觉舒适)
期刊:Frontiers of Architectural Research
作者:Ecenur Kizilörenli, Feray Maden
发表时间:15 Feb 2023

建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林
本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ 收录
Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿/FoAR)于7月下旬在线发布了2023年第四期,共14篇文章。本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲,内容采用中文表达,方便大家阅读。推文内容不可直接引用。

01论 文 题 目
Manuscript Title
Modular responsive facade proposals based on semi-regular and demi-regular tessellation: daylighting and visual comfort
02作 者
Ecenur Kizilo ?renli*, Feray Maden
Department of Architecture, Yasar University, I_zmir 35100, Turkey
03论 文 摘 要
Responsive facades can reduce building energy consumption and control daylight and natural ventilation to improve user comfort. This study aims to develop alternative responsive facade systems based on semi-regular and demi-regular tessellations. For this purpose, first, the tessellation method used to generate responsive facades is introduced. Then, the geometric and parametric design principles and the movement capabilities of the proposed facade systems are presented. Finally, a set of analyses are performed to test and compare the performances of the facade systems based on daylight metrics and indoor glare comfort. This study contributes to the literature with the proposed facade systems that can adapt to changing environmental conditions, provide flexibility in shape control and simplicity in mechanism design, and improve building performance. The analysis results show that all the proposed facade systems provide the desired visual comfort and daylight levels at different configurations.
04关 键 词
Responsive facades / 响应式立面
Semi-regular tessellation / 不完全正镶嵌
Demi-regular tessellation / 半正镶嵌
Parametric design / 参数化设计
Daylight performance / 日照效能
05章 节 标 题
Sections Title
1. Introduction / 引言
2. Types of tessellation / 镶嵌类型
3. Research methodology / 研究方法
3.1. Morphology of the modules / 模块形态
3.2. Parametric model of the proposed facade systems / 立面系统方案的参数化模型
4. Computational performance analysis / 计算性能分析
5. Results and discussion / 研究结果与探讨
6. Conclusion / 结论
06主 要 插 图

▲ 图一:镶嵌类型及其对偶(黑色图案代表原始镶嵌;蓝色图案表示对偶镶嵌)。 © 本文作者

▲ 图二:(b)框架结构,(b)三角面板的放置。 © 本文作者

▲ 图三:几种三角形和六边形模块的放置方式。 © 本文作者

▲ 图四:模块在不同镶嵌模式上的应用。 © 本文作者

▲ 图五:模块的分解图。 © 本文作者

▲ 图六:立面模块的几种方案。 © 本文作者

▲ 图七:三种立面系统方案下的日照眩光概率。 © 本文作者
07作 者 介 绍
Authors Information

Ecenur K?z?lorenli
Research Assistant
Department of Architecture
Yasar University, Turkey

Feray Maden
Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture
Yasar University, Turkey
She studied architecture at the Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) and received her Bachelors degree in 2004. After working in several architectural firms, she started her Master’s studies in 2005 at IZTECH and continued her research at KU Leuven in Belgium. Her academic career began as a research assistant at IZTECH in 2006, where she received her M.Sc. degree in 2008. Her Ph.D. studies likewise began at IZTECH and continued in the Netherlands between 2012-2013. She worked at the Department of Architectural Engineering at TU Delft as a Ph.D. researcher. She collaborated with the Innovative Structural Design Research Group at TU Eindhoven on several projects. She received her Ph.D. degree in 2015 and currently works as Assistant Professor at Ya?ar University. She conducted several scientific research projects: “Optimization Driven Architectural Design of Structures” (2016-2020), funded under the Marie-Curie RISE scheme of the Horizon 2020 Programme; “Investigating Novel Architectural Uses and Fabrication Problems of Scissor-Hinge Structural Mechanisms” (2021-2022), funded by Ya?ar University. She is currently coordinating another scientific research project, “Development of Transformable Disaster Relief Shelters Using Scissor Linkages and Foldable Plates.” She is co-founder of the Innovative Structures, Mechanisms, and Automation (ISMA) Research Group and a member of the Design Thinking Research Group. Her research focuses on Kinetic Architecture, Adaptive Structures, Responsive Facades, Parametric Design, Structural Design, and Disaster Relief Shelters.
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