FoAR | 前沿研究:一种适用于数字化建造的木-木连接系统及其在“纯木”空间模块设计中的应用 |
论文标题:A wood-wood joining system suitable for digital fabrication and its application in the design of a “wood-only” spatial modulea(一种适用于数字化建造的木-木连接系统及其在“纯木”空间模块设计中的应用)
期刊:Frontiers of Architectural Research
作者:Antonio Jesús de-los-Aires-Solís, Francisco Gonzalez-Quintial
发表时间:15 Jun 2023
建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林
本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ 收录
Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿/FoAR)于4月初在线发布了2023年第二期,共12篇文章。本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲,内容采用中文表达,方便大家阅读。推文内容不可直接引用。感兴趣的读者,请点击文末左下方“阅读原文“,可免费浏览及下载原版英文论文。
论 文 题 目
Manuscript Title
A wood-wood joining system suitable for digital fabrication and its application in the design of a “wood-only” spatial module
作 者
Francisco Gonzalez-Quintial (b)
(a) Doctoral School. University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Leioa 48940, Spain
(b) Department of Architecture. University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Leioa 48940, Spain
论 文 摘 要
This paper describes a wood-wood spatial joining system adapted to digital fabrication which has been designated the “Spatial Masterkey”. The wood stereotomy of the joints between the different pieces that make up this joining system is inspired by a three-dimensional puzzle called “snowflake”. The production process used in the masterkey system can be carried out using only a 3-axis CNC milling machineda relatively affordable and easily accessible tool. By using digital manufacturing for the execution of wood-wood joints, several benefits are obtained including faster machining and greater cutting precision and uniformity in the products produced. These advantages make this joining system both economically competitive and environmentally friendly. Additionally, the versatility of this joining system means that its configuration can be adapted to a wide range of casuistry of encounters between members, which means that it can be used for a number of spatial assemblies. This includes, but is not limited to, the spatial module presented in this document.
本文介绍了一种适用于数字化建造的“木木相连”空间系统,该系统被命名为“空间万能节点”(Spatial Masterkey)。组成这个连接系统不同部件之间木节点的灵感来自一个被称为“雪花锁”的三维拼木。万能节点系统中的生产过程只能使用3轴CNC数控机床,这是一种相对经济实惠且易于操作的工具。通过使用数字制造来生产木节点,这样可以获得几个好处,包括更快的加工速度、更高的切割精度,以及产品的一致性。这些优势使得连接系统获得了更高的经济性和环境友好性。此外,这种连接系统的多功能性意味着它的配置可以适应部件之间的各种组合,也意味着它可以用于更多的空间组合,包括但不限于本文中呈现的空间模块。
关 键 词
Wood-wood joinery / 木节点
Digital fabrication / 数字化制造
3-Axis CNC / 3轴计算机数控机床
Spatial module / 空间模块
Sustainability / 可持续性
Burr puzzle / 鲁班锁
章 节 标 题
Sections Title
1. Introduction / 引言
1.1. Digital fabrication / 数字化制造
2. The 3D burr puzzle as a core component of wooden spatial assemblies / 木质空间组建了中的核心部分——3D鲁班锁
2.1. Interlocking puzzles / 互锁型木结
2.2. The use of interlocking puzzles in architecture / 将互锁型木结应用于建筑学
2.3. The “snowflake” burr puzzle / 叫作“雪花”的鲁班锁
3. Adaptation of the burr puzzle for digital fabrication: the “spatial masterkey” / 将鲁班锁应用于数字制造:“空间万能节点”
3.1. Aspects to consider in the spatial masterkey / 有几个方面需要考虑
3.1.1. Joint variations and adaptations / 节点的多样性和适应性
3.1.2. The option for different angles in the diagonals of the same joint / 同一节点对角线上不同角度的选择
3.1.3. Auxiliary parts for joint adaptations / 节点适配的辅助部件
3.1.4. Design considerations for optimization and to make manufacturing accessible / 优化设计考量使制造易于实现
3.2. Fabrication and assembly of the spatial masterkey / 空间万能节点的制造和组装
3.2.1. Programming the CNC milling machine / 计算机数控机床的编程
3.2.2. Fabrication of the pieces constituting the spatial masterkey / 空间万能节点的部件制造
3.2.3. Assembly of the spatial masterkey / 空间万能节点的组装
4. Spatial module / 空间模块
4.1. Description of the proposal / 方案概述
4.2. Design process / 设计过程
4.3. Proposal 1. “joints only” system and “joints and bars” system / 方案一:“节点”系统和“节点-杆件”系统
4.3.1. Central joint / 中央节点
4.3.2. Side joint / 边节点
4.3.3. Corner joint / 角节点
4.3.4. Basic joint / 基础节点
4.3.5. Coupling assemblies / 耦合组件
4.4. Proposal 2. “bar only” system / 方案二:“杆件”系统
5. Assembly of the spatial module / 空间模块的组装
6. Conclusions / 结论
主 要 插 图
▲ 图一:拆解西多里结(cidori knot)的过程。© 本文作者
▲ 图二:“雪花”锁:拼合的状态以及每根构件。© 本文作者
▲ 图三:空间万能节点。(a)C型构件,(b)组装好的(45度对角插),(c)组装好的(60度对角插),(d)所有构件的空间方位(45度对角插),(e)中心构件的空间方位,(f)组装步骤。© 本文作者
▲ 图四:组成空间完成钥匙的全部构件。© 本文作者
▲ 图五:CAD切割路径,铣削工艺和最终产品。© 本文作者
▲ 图六:空间模块中的轴分布。(a)最基本的网格,(b)增加了在X-Y轴平面的对角线网格,(c)增加了在X- Z轴平面的对角线网格,(d)增加了在Y-Z轴平面的对角线网格,(e)增加了在X-Y-Z轴平面的对角线网格。© 本文作者
▲ 图七:中心木结,(a)组装好的,(b)杆件拆解,(c)所有木结的方位与旋转。© 本文作者
作 者 介 绍
Authors Information
Antonio Jesus de-los-Aires-Sol?s
Doctoral School
University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Spain
Francisco Gonzalez-Quintial
Lecturer at ETSA-AGET
Department of Architecture
University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Spain
Ph.D. in Architecture at the University of the Basque Country in 2012, where currently teaches in the Department of Architecture at the School of Architecture in the UPV‐EHU (University of the Basque Country). He is specialized in Structures, Geometry, Parametric Architecture and Digital Fabrication. Since 2016 he has been in charge of the FabLab Donostia, a digital fabrication laboratory that belongs to ETSA‐AGET.
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