来源:Frontiers of Medicine 发布时间:2021/6/4 14:12:24
FMD | 膜性肾病和其他类型肾病的比较分析和诊断模型的建立

论文标题:Comparative analysis of membranous and other nephropathy subtypes and establishment of a diagnostic model (膜性肾病和其他类型肾病的比较分析和诊断模型的建立)

期刊:Frontiers of Medicine

作者:Hanyu Zhu(朱晗玉), Bo Fu, Yong Wang, Jing Gao, Qiuxia Han, Wenjia Geng, Xiaoli Yang, Guangyan Cai, Xiangmei Chen(陈香美), Dong Zhang

发表时间:09 Aug 2018



中国人民解放军总医院肾脏病科朱晗玉和陈香美等在Frontiers of Medicine 发表研究论文《膜性肾病和其他类型肾病的比较分析和诊断模型的建立》(Comparative analysis of membranous and other nephropathy subtypes and establishment of a diagnostic model)。


摘 要本研究比较了膜性肾病(MN)和非膜性肾病(non-MN)患者的临床特征,建立了MN的无创诊断模型。纳入MN患者248例和非MN患者550例,Logistic回归分析显示有三个因素(抗PLA2R抗体、IgG和肌酐)与MN独立相关,然后将其用于建立MN诊断模型。ROC曲线证实我们的诊断模型可以有效对MN患者进行诊断,其敏感性为79.9%,特异性为89.4%,曲线下面积为0.917。说明此无创诊断模型可有效诊断MN,有广泛的临床应用潜力。


This study aimed to compare clinical features between membranous nephropathy (MN) and nonmembranous nephropathy (non-MN), to explore the clinically differential diagnosis of these two types, and to establish a diagnostic model of MN. After renal biopsy was obtained, 798 patients were divided into two groups based on their examination results: primary MN group (n = 248) and non-MN group (n = 550). Their data were statistically analyzed. Logistic regression analysis indicated that anti-PLA2R antibodies, IgG, and Cr were independently correlated with MN, and these three parameters were then used to establish the MN diagnostic model. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve confirmed that our diagnostic model could distinguish between patients with and without MN, and their corresponding sensitivity, specificity, and AUC were 79.9%, 89.4%, and 0.917, respectively. The cutoff value for this combination in MN diagnosis was 0.34. The established diagnostic model that combined multiple factors shows a potential for broad clinical applications in differentiating primary MN from other kidney diseases and provides reliable evidence supporting the feasibility of noninvasive diagnosis of kidney diseases.



Comparative analysis of membranous and other nephropathy subtypes and establishment of a diagnostic model


Hanyu Zhu, Bo Fu, Yong Wang, Jing Gao, Qiuxia Han, Wenjia Geng, Xiaoli Yang, Guangyan Cai, Xiangmei Chen, Dong Zhang


1. Department of Nephrology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Chinese PLA Institute of Nephrology, State Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases, National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Beijing Key Laboratory of Kidney Disease, Beijing 100853, China

2. Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China

3. Department of Nephrology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China

Corresponding AuthorsYong Wang and Dong Zhang

Cite this article

Hanyu Zhu, Bo Fu, Yong Wang, Jing Gao, Qiuxia Han, Wenjia Geng, Xiaoli Yang, Guangyan Cai, Xiangmei Chen, Dong Zhang. Comparative analysis of membranous and other nephropathy subtypes and establishment of a diagnostic model. Front. Med., 2019, 13(5): 618–625https://doi.org/10.1007/s11684-018-0620-5



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