来源:SciDev.net 发布时间:2007-2-7 14:38:18
Indian scientists develop dipstick test for dengue

Researchers have developed a simple new test for dengue fever

The team are yet to work out how much the dipstick will cost commercially, and say that further testing of how the dipstick works if a patient has another viral infection — such as typhoid or malaria — is necessary.
Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease affecting several tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It causes an estimated 100 million infections every year, with no effective vaccine against it.
While the disease itself is rarely fatal, a complication known as dengue haemorrhagic fever kills 20 per cent of victims if they do not receive treatment.
Dengue has recently undergone a dramatic expansion in several parts of Southeast Asia (see A killer arises: the global resurgence of dengue), making early diagnosis extremely
important for controlling outbreaks.
The research was published online last week (27 January) in Biotechnology Progress.
Reference: Biotechnology Progress doi: 10.1021/bp0602698 S8756-7938(06)00269-4 (2007)
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