来源:Frontiers of Medicine 发布时间:2025/3/7 11:19:24
FMD  论文速览:罕见肿瘤:探索的蓝海

论文标题:Rare tumors: a blue ocean of investigation

期刊: Frontiers of Medicine

作者:Shuhang Wang, Peiwen Ma, Ning Jiang, Yale Jiang, Yue Yu, Yuan Fang, Huilei Miao, Huiyao Huang, Qiyu Tang, Dandan Cui, Hong Fang, Huishan Zhang, Qi Fan, Yuning Wang, Gang Liu, Zicheng Yu, Qi Lei, Ning Li

发表时间:15 Apr 2023



导 读

中国医学科学院北京协和医学院李宁博士团队在Frontiers of Medicine发表综述论文《罕见肿瘤:探索的蓝海》(Rare tumors: a blue ocean of investigation)。本文通过回顾中国实体肿瘤流行病学数据及其他地区罕见肿瘤相关文献,提出了中国罕见肿瘤的定义,同时梳理了罕见肿瘤的诊疗与临床试验现状,为推动罕见肿瘤研究与治疗指明了方向。

Advances in novel drugs, therapies, and genetic techniques have revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of cancers, substantially improving cancer patients’ prognosis. Although rare tumors account for a non-negligible number, the practice of precision medicine and development of novel therapies are largely hampered by many obstacles. Their low incidence and drastic regional disparities result in the difficulty of informative evidence-based diagnosis and subtyping. Sample exhaustion due to difficulty in diagnosis also leads to a lack of recommended therapeutic strategies in clinical guidelines, insufficient biomarkers for prognosis/efficacy, and inability to identify potential novel therapies in clinical trials. Herein, by reviewing the epidemiological data of Chinese solid tumors and publications defining rare tumors in other areas, we proposed a definition of rare tumor in China, including 515 tumor types with incidences of less than 2.5/100 000 per year. We also summarized the current diagnosis process, treatment recommendations, and global developmental progress of targeted drugs and immunotherapy agents on the status quo. Lastly, we pinpointed the current recommendation chance for patients with rare tumors to be involved in a clinical trial by NCCN. With this informative report, we aimed to raise awareness on the importance of rare tumor investigations and guarantee a bright future for rare tumor patients.



Frontiers of Medicine专注于发表临床医学和基础医学领域的最新研究成果,旨在通过全球医疗专业人员之间的交流促进健康和医疗保健的发展。该刊采用严格的同行评审和编辑流程,确保发表的文章的科学准确性、新颖性和重要性。



Rare tumors: a blue ocean of investigation


Shuhang Wang1, Peiwen Ma1, Ning Jiang1, Yale Jiang1, Yue Yu1, Yuan Fang1, Huilei Miao1, Huiyao Huang2, Qiyu Tang1, Dandan Cui1, Hong Fang1, Huishan Zhang2, Qi Fan1, Yuning Wang1, Gang Liu3, Zicheng Yu4, Qi Lei1, Ning Li1


1. Clinical Trial Center, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100021, China

2. Phase I Clinical Trial Center, Fujian Medical University Cancer Hospital/Fujian Cancer Hospital, Fuzhou 350014, China

3. Key Laboratory of Molecular Epigenetics of the Ministry of Education, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China

4. GenePlus-Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518118, China


Ning Li


Shuhang Wang, Peiwen Ma, Ning Jiang, Yale Jiang, Yue Yu, Yuan Fang, Huilei Miao, Huiyao Huang, Qiyu Tang, Dandan Cui, Hong Fang, Huishan Zhang, Qi Fan, Yuning Wang, Gang Liu, Zicheng Yu, Qi Lei, Ning Li. Rare tumors: a blue ocean of investigation. Front. Med., 2023, 17(2): 220–230




感谢作者对Frontiers of Medicine的信任和支持。


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