作者: 小柯机器人发布时间:2025/1/7 23:50:21



在这项工作中,课题组成功地通过碱辅助热方法,将耐酸铌(Nb)掺杂到范德华层状边缘共享1T相氧化铱(1T-IrO2)中。掺入5% Nb (Nb0.05Ir0.95O2)的1T-IrO2在0.5 M H2SO4中仅需191 mV的过电位,即可达到10 mA cm-2的电流密度,比1T-IrO2低56 mV。当应用于质子交换膜水电解槽时,Nb0.05Ir0.95O2在1.7 V的电池电压下达到1.2 A cm-2的电流密度,持续50天。



Title: Optimizing Acidic Oxygen Evolution Reaction via Modulation Doping in Van der Waals Layered Iridium Oxide

Author: Jia Ke, Wenxiang Zhu, Yujin Ji, Jinxin Chen, Chenchen Li, Yue Wang, Qun Wang, Wei-Hsiang Huang, Zhiwei Hu, Youyong Li, Qi Shao, Jianmei Lu

Issue&Volume: 2025-01-06

Abstract: Anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) exhibits a sluggish four-electron transfer process, necessitating catalysts with exceptional catalytic activity to enhance its kinetic rate. Van der Waals layered oxides are ideal materials for catalyst design, yet its stability for acidic OER remains large obstacle. Doping provides a crucial way to improve the activity and stability simultaneously. However, doping in Van der Waals layered oxides remains a great challenge since it easily leads to lattice distortion or even the crystal structure damage. In this work, we successfully doping acid-resistant niobium (Nb) into Van der Waals layered edge-shared 1T phase iridium oxide (1T-IrO2) via alkali-assisted thermal method. 1T-IrO2 with a 5% Nb doping (Nb0.05Ir0.95O2) only required an overpotential of 191 mV to achieve a current density of 10 mA cm-2 in 0.5 M H2SO4, 56 mV lower than that of 1T-IrO2. When applied in a proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer, Nb0.05Ir0.95O2 achieved a current density of 1.2 A cm-2 at a cell voltage of 1.7 V for 50 days. Density functional theory calculation reveals that doping Nb changes the potential-determining step from the *OOH deprotonation process in 1T-IrO2 to the *O-OH coupling process in Nb0.05Ir0.95O2.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202422740



Angewandte Chemie:《德国应用化学》,创刊于1887年。隶属于德国化学会,最新IF:16.823
