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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2025/1/9 22:13:31

美国加州理工学院Lotem Noam团队报道了大氧合事件前低初级生产力调和太古宙富有机质泥岩。2025年1月6日出版的《美国科学院院刊》发表了这项成果。

据研究人员介绍,古代岩石的有机碳含量提供了早期地球生物圈的基本记录。50多年来,太古宙(>2.5 Ga)泥岩有机质含量高这个问题,一直困扰着地质学家和进化生物学家,因为在O2升高之前,新生生物圈的生物初级生产力高几乎是不可能的。




Title: Reconciling Archean organic-rich mudrocks with low primary productivity before the Great Oxygenation Event

Author: Lotem, Noam, Rasmussen, Birger, Zi, Jian-Wei, Zeichner, Sarah S., Present, Theodore M., Bar-On, Yinon M., W. Fischer, Woodward

Issue&Volume: 2025-1-6

Abstract: The organic carbon content of ancient rocks provides a fundamental record of the biosphere on early Earth. For over 50 y, the high organic content of Archean (>2.5 Ga) mudrocks has puzzled geologists and evolutionary biologists, because high biological primary productivity was unexpected for the nascent biosphere before the rise of O2. Here, we took a different approach to resolve this apparent paradox, by studying the accumulation rates of Archean organic-rich mudrocks. We evaluated the sedimentation rates of three sections of the Mount McRae Shale and Jeerinah Formation (2.68 to 2.48 Ga, Pilbara Craton, Australia) with new and recently published U–Pb zircon ages from intraformational ash beds. For comparison, we compiled Phanerozoic (<500 Ma) data from comparable depositional settings and developed an idealized model that considers the sedimentation rates for predicting rock organic content. We found that organic-rich Archean mudrocks were deposited under exceptionally low sedimentation rates (~1 m/Ma), in sharp contrast to organic-rich rocks from the Phanerozoic Eon (10 to 100 m/Ma). Constrained by observations, model results indicated that the Archean data reflect low primary productivity (~100-fold lower than during the Phanerozoic) and enhanced preservation under anoxic conditions, with the principal control on organic carbon content provided by dilution with inorganic sediment. Thus, the high organic carbon content which is typically attributed to high productivity instead reflects slow accumulation, high preservation, and minimal inorganic dilution—reconciling the geological evidence with a slow carbon cycle cadence during Archean time.

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2417673121

Source: https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2417673121

