作者: 小柯机器人发布时间:2025/1/2 20:45:07

近日,日本东京大学Tetsuji Kakutani等研究人员合作揭示CENH3染色质在拟南芥中介导的反转录转座子整合。该项研究成果于2025年1月1日在线发表在《自然》杂志上。



研究人员展示了Ty3和Ty1长末端重复反转录转座子如何在拟南芥物种的着丝粒TR区域内快速更替。研究人员证明了Ty1/Copia元素Tal1(拟南芥刺梨1)在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中如何新整合到CENH3占据的区域,并且CENH3区域的异位扩展会导致Tal1整合区域的扩展。



Title: Centrophilic retrotransposon integration via CENH3 chromatin in Arabidopsis

Author: Tsukahara, Sayuri, Bousios, Alexandros, Perez-Roman, Estela, Yamaguchi, Sota, Leduque, Basile, Nakano, Aimi, Naish, Matthew, Osakabe, Akihisa, Toyoda, Atsushi, Ito, Hidetaka, Edera, Alejandro, Tominaga, Sayaka, Juliarni, Kato, Kae, Oda, Shoko, Inagaki, Soichi, Lorkovi, Zdravko, Nagaki, Kiyotaka, Berger, Frdric, Kawabe, Akira, Quadrana, Leandro, Henderson, Ian, Kakutani, Tetsuji

Issue&Volume: 2025-01-01

Abstract: In organisms ranging from vertebrates to plants, major components of centromeres are rapidly evolving repeat sequences, such as tandem repeats (TRs) and transposable elements (TEs), which harbour centromere-specific histone H3 (CENH3)1,2. Complete centromere structures recently determined in human and Arabidopsis suggest frequent integration and purging of retrotransposons within the TR regions of centromeres3,4,5. Despite the high impact of ‘centrophilic’ retrotransposons on the paradox of rapid centromere evolution, the mechanisms involved in centromere targeting remain poorly understood in any organism. Here we show that both Ty3 and Ty1 long terminal repeat retrotransposons rapidly turnover within the centromeric TRs of Arabidopsis species. We demonstrate that the Ty1/Copia element Tal1 (Transposon of Arabidopsis lyrata 1) integrates de novo into regions occupied by CENH3 in Arabidopsis thaliana, and that ectopic expansion of the CENH3 region results in spread of Tal1 integration regions. The integration spectra of chimeric TEs reveal the key structural variations responsible for contrasting chromatin-targeting specificities to centromeres versus gene-rich regions, which have recurrently converted during the evolution of these TEs. Our findings show the impact of centromeric chromatin on TE-mediated rapid centromere evolution, with relevance across eukaryotic genomes.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08319-7



