Title: Restart uncertainty relation for monitored quantum dynamics
Author: Yin, Ruoyu, Wang, Qingyuan, Tornow, Sabine, Barkai, Eli
Issue&Volume: 2025-1-2
Abstract: We introduce a time-energy uncertainty relation within the context of restarts in monitored quantum dynamics. Previous studies have established that the mean recurrence time, which represents the time taken to return to the initial state, is quantized as an integer multiple of the sampling time, displaying pointwise discontinuous transitions at resonances. Our findings demonstrate that the natural utilization of the restart mechanism in laboratory experiments, driven by finite data collection time spans, leads to a broadening effect on the transitions of the mean recurrence time. Our proposed uncertainty relation captures the underlying essence of these phenomena, by connecting the broadening of the mean hitting time near resonances, to the intrinsic energies of the quantum system and to the fluctuations of recurrence time. Our uncertainty relation has also been validated through remote experiments conducted on an International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) quantum computer. This work not only contributes to our understanding of fundamental aspects related to quantum measurements and dynamics, but also offers practical insights for the design of efficient quantum algorithms with mid-circuit measurements.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2402912121