作者: 小柯机器人发布时间:2025/1/3 15:42:31

瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院高山与极地研究中心Ezzat, Lela和Battin, Tom J.团队,报道了冰川补给-河流中细菌微生物群的多样性和生物地理学。2025年1月1日,国际知名学术期刊《自然》发表了这一成果。





Title: Diversity and biogeography of the bacterial microbiome in glacier-fed streams

Author: Ezzat, Lela, Peter, Hannes, Bourquin, Massimo, Busi, Susheel Bhanu, Michoud, Grgoire, Fodelianakis, Stilianos, Kohler, Tyler J., Lamy, Thomas, Geers, Aileen, Pramateftaki, Paraskevi, Baier, Florian, Marasco, Ramona, Daffonchio, Daniele, Deluigi, Nicola, Wilmes, Paul, Styllas, Michail, Schn, Martina, Tolosano, Matteo, De Staercke, Vincent, Battin, Tom J.

Issue&Volume: 2025-01-01

Abstract: The rapid melting of mountain glaciers and the vanishing of their streams is emblematic of climate change. Glacier-fed streams (GFSs) are cold, oligotrophic and unstable ecosystems in which life is dominated by microbial biofilms. However, current knowledge on the GFS microbiome is scarce, precluding an understanding of its response to glacier shrinkage. Here, by leveraging metabarcoding and metagenomics, we provide a comprehensive survey of bacteria in the benthic microbiome across 152GFSs draining the Earth’s major mountain ranges. We find that the GFS bacterial microbiome is taxonomically and functionally distinct from other cryospheric microbiomes. GFS bacteria are diverse, with more than half being specific to a given mountain range, some unique to single GFSs and a few cosmopolitan and abundant. We show how geographic isolation and environmental selection shape their biogeography, which is characterized by distinct compositional patterns between mountain ranges and hemispheres. Phylogenetic analyses furthermore uncovered microdiverse clades resulting from environmental selection, probably promoting functional resilience and contributing to GFS bacterial biodiversity and biogeography. Climate-induced glacier shrinkage puts this unique microbiome at risk. Our study provides a global reference for future climate-change microbiology studies on the vanishing GFS ecosystem.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08313-z



