Title: O2 Activation and Enzymatic C–H Bond Activation Mediated by a Dimanganese Cofactor
Author: Chang Liu, Guodong Rao, Jessica Nguyen, R. David Britt, Jonathan Rittle
Issue&Volume: January 1, 2025
Abstract: Dioxygen (O2) is a potent oxidant used by aerobic organisms for energy transduction and critical biosynthetic processes. Numerous metalloenzymes harness O2 to mediate C–H bond hydroxylation reactions, but most commonly feature iron or copper ions in their active site cofactors. In contrast, many manganese-activated enzymes─such as glutamine synthetase and isocitrate lyase─perform redox neutral chemical transformations and very few are known to activate O2 or C–H bonds. Here, we report that the dimanganese-metalated form of the cambialistic monooxygenase SfbO (Mn2–SfbO) can efficiently mediate enzymatic C–H bond hydroxylation. The activity of the dimanganese form of SfbO toward substrate hydroxylation is comparable to that of its heterobimetallic Mn/Fe form but exhibits distinct kinetic profiles. Kinetic, spectroscopic, and structural studies invoke a mixed-valent dimanganese cofactor (MnIIMnIII) in O2 activation and evidence a stoichiometric role for superoxide in maturing an O2-inert MnII2 cofactor. Computational studies support a hypothesis wherein superoxide addition to the MnII2 cofactor installs a critical bridging hydroxide ligand that stabilizes higher-valent manganese oxidation states. These findings establish the viability of proteinaceous dimanganese cofactors in mediating complex, multistep redox transformations.
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c16271
Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.4c16271