研究人员报道了一只公羊的2.85Gb无间隙的端粒到端粒基因组(T2T-sheep1.0),其涵盖了所有常染色体以及X和Y染色体。该基因组在最新的参考组装版本ARS-UI_Ramb_v3.0基础上,新增了220.05Mb此前未解析的区域以及754个新基因;它在着丝粒区域包含四种重复单元(SatI、SatII、SatIII 和 CenY)。T2T-sheep1.0的碱基准确率超过99.999%,纠正了先前参考组装版本中的若干结构错误,并改进了重复序列中结构变异的检测。
Title: Telomere-to-telomere sheep genome assembly identifies variants associated with wool fineness
Author: Luo, Ling-Yun, Wu, Hui, Zhao, Li-Ming, Zhang, Ya-Hui, Huang, Jia-Hui, Liu, Qiu-Yue, Wang, Hai-Tao, Mo, Dong-Xin, EEr, He-Hua, Zhang, Lian-Quan, Chen, Hai-Liang, Jia, Shan-Gang, Wang, Wei-Min, Li, Meng-Hua
Issue&Volume: 2025-01-08
Abstract: Ongoing efforts to improve sheep reference genome assemblies still leave many gaps and incomplete regions, resulting in a few common failures and errors in genomic studies. Here, we report a 2.85-Gb gap-free telomere-to-telomere genome of a ram (T2T-sheep1.0), including all autosomes and the X and Y chromosomes. This genome adds 220.05Mb of previously unresolved regions and 754 new genes to the most updated reference assembly ARS-UI_Ramb_v3.0; it contains four types of repeat units (SatI, SatII, SatIII and CenY) in centromeric regions. T2T-sheep1.0 has a base accuracy of more than 99.999%, corrects several structural errors in previous reference assemblies and improves structural variant detection in repetitive sequences. Alignment of whole-genome short-read sequences of global domestic and wild sheep against T2T-sheep1.0 identifies 2,664,979 new single-nucleotide polymorphisms in previously unresolved regions, which improves the population genetic analyses and detection of selective signals for domestication (for example, ABCC4) and wool fineness (for example, FOXQ1).
DOI: 10.1038/s41588-024-02037-6
Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:41.307