加拿大麦吉尔大学Maziar Divangahi、Nargis Khan研究团队发现,β-葡聚糖重编程中性粒细胞以促进其对甲型流感病毒的耐受性。2025年1月8日出版的《自然—免疫学》发表了这项成果。
总之,该研究数据表明,β-葡聚糖能重塑造血干细胞,使其生成具有新 “调节 ”功能的中性粒细胞,而这种功能是促进疾病耐受性,和维持肺组织完整性以抵御病毒感染所必需的。
Title: β-Glucan reprograms neutrophils to promote disease tolerance against influenza A virus
Author: Khan, Nargis, Tran, Kim A., Chevre, Raphael, Locher, Veronica, Richter, Mathis, Sun, Sarah, Sadeghi, Mina, Pernet, Erwan, Herrero-Cervera, Andrea, Grant, Alexandre, Saif, Ahmed, Downey, Jeffrey, Kaufmann, Eva, Khader, Shabaana Abdul, Joubert, Philippe, Barreiro, Luis B., Yipp, Bryan G., Soehnlein, Oliver, Divangahi, Maziar
Issue&Volume: 2025-01-08
Abstract: Disease tolerance is an evolutionarily conserved host defense strategy that preserves tissue integrity and physiology without affecting pathogen load. Unlike host resistance, the mechanisms underlying disease tolerance remain poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated whether an adjuvant (β-glucan) can reprogram innate immunity to provide protection against influenza A virus (IAV) infection. β-Glucan treatment reduces the morbidity and mortality against IAV infection, independent of host resistance. The enhanced survival is the result of increased recruitment of neutrophils via RoRγt+ T cells in the lung tissue. β-Glucan treatment promotes granulopoiesis in a type 1 interferon-dependent manner that leads to the generation of a unique subset of immature neutrophils utilizing a mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and producing interleukin-10. Collectively, our data indicate that β-glucan reprograms hematopoietic stem cells to generate neutrophils with a new ‘regulatory’ function, which is required for promoting disease tolerance and maintaining lung tissue integrity against viral infection.
DOI: 10.1038/s41590-024-02041-2
Nature Immunology:《自然—免疫学》,创刊于2000年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:31.25