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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/9/26 12:14:12

美国华盛顿大学David Baker研究小组发现,使用RoseTTAFold序列空间扩散可进行多态和功能性蛋白质设计。该项研究成果于2024年9月25日在线发表在《自然—生物技术》杂志上。





Title: Multistate and functional protein design using RoseTTAFold sequence space diffusion

Author: Lisanza, Sidney Lyayuga, Gershon, Jacob Merle, Tipps, Samuel W. K., Sims, Jeremiah Nelson, Arnoldt, Lucas, Hendel, Samuel J., Simma, Miriam K., Liu, Ge, Yase, Muna, Wu, Hongwei, Tharp, Claire D., Li, Xinting, Kang, Alex, Brackenbrough, Evans, Bera, Asim K., Gerben, Stacey, Wittmann, Bruce J., McShan, Andrew C., Baker, David

Issue&Volume: 2024-09-25

Abstract: Protein denoising diffusion probabilistic models are used for the de novo generation of protein backbones but are limited in their ability to guide generation of proteins with sequence-specific attributes and functional properties. To overcome this limitation, we developed ProteinGenerator (PG), a sequence space diffusion model based on RoseTTAFold that simultaneously generates protein sequences and structures. Beginning from a noised sequence representation, PG generates sequence and structure pairs by iterative denoising, guided by desired sequence and structural protein attributes. We designed thermostable proteins with varying amino acid compositions and internal sequence repeats and cage bioactive peptides, such as melittin. By averaging sequence logits between diffusion trajectories with distinct structural constraints, we designed multistate parent–child protein triples in which the same sequence folds to different supersecondary structures when intact in the parent versus split into two child domains. PG design trajectories can be guided by experimental sequence–activity data, providing a general approach for integrated computational and experimental optimization of protein function.

DOI: 10.1038/s41587-024-02395-w

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-024-02395-w


Nature Biotechnology:《自然—生物技术》,创刊于1996年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:68.164
