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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/9/28 23:48:45


本文提出一种创新的正交线性扫描投影(LSP)方法,旨在突破转换效率的局限性。在将吸收的激光功率高效转换为紫外(UV)辐射的驱动下,研究人员利用超过100W的泵浦激光,实现了紫外光谱辐亮度超过210 mW/(mm2·sr·nm)的紧凑型宽带光源(250–1650nm)。通过二维折射率模型的绘制,研究人员报道了一项重要的概念进展:正交设计消除了负透镜效应对激光功率密度的影响。




Title: Bright compact ultrabroadband source by orthogonal laser-sustained plasma

Author: Shi, Zhaojiang, Yang, Shichao, Hu, He, Lei, Haodong, Yang, Zhaohua, Yu, Xia

Issue&Volume: 2024-09-26

Abstract: Laser-sustained plasma (LSP) source featuring high brightness and broadband spectral coverage is found to be powerful in various fields of scientific and industrial applications. However, the fundamental limit of low conversion efficiency constrains the system compactness and widespread applications of such broadband light sources. In this paper, we propose an innovative orthogonal LSP to break through the conversion efficiency limitation. Driven by the elevated conversion efficiency from absorbed laser power to ultraviolet (UV) emission, a compact broadband source (250–1650nm) with UV spectral radiance exceeding 210 mW/(mm2·sr·nm) is achieved with >100W pump laser. With the plot of a two-dimensional refractive index model, we report an important conceptual advance that the orthogonal design eliminates the influence of the negative lensing effect on laser power density. Experimental results unambiguously demonstrate that we achieve a bright compact UV-VIS-NIR source with negligible thermal loss and the highest conversion efficiency to our knowledge. Significant enhancement of 4dB contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in spectral single-pixel imaging has been demonstrated using the proposed ultrabroadband source. By establishing the quantitative link between pumping optics design and plasma absorption, this work presents a compact broadband source that combines superior conversion efficiency and unprecedented brightness, which is essential to high-speed inspection and spectroscopy applications.

DOI: 10.1038/s41377-024-01602-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41377-024-01602-2


Light: Science & Applications《光:科学与应用》,创刊于2012年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:19.4

