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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/9/24 23:24:08

近日,德国德累斯顿工业大学的Alexey Chernikov与德国离子束物理与材料研究所的Stephan Winnerl等人合作并取得一项新进展。经过不懈努力,他们利用太赫兹光子实现二维材料中三激子的超快开关。相关研究成果已于2024年9月23日在国际知名学生期刊《自然—光子学》上发表。




至关重要的是,由于激子发射器与自由电荷载流子之间的高效相互作用,形成了被称为三激子(trions)和费米极化子(Fermi polarons)的新型准粒子,这使得它们的光学响应能够实现电开关。然而,这些状态光发射的调节速度存在重大限制,导致大多数应用基本上局限于静止状态。


Title: Ultrafast switching of trions in 2D materials by terahertz photons

Author: Venanzi, Tommaso, Cuccu, Marzia, Perea-Causin, Raul, Sun, Xiaoxiao, Brem, Samuel, Erkensten, Daniel, Taniguchi, Takashi, Watanabe, Kenji, Malic, Ermin, Helm, Manfred, Winnerl, Stephan, Chernikov, Alexey

Issue&Volume: 2024-09-23

Abstract: External control of optical excitations is key for manipulating light–matter coupling and is highly desirable for photonic technologies. Excitons in monolayer semiconductors emerged as a unique nanoscale platform in this context, offering strong light–matter coupling, spin–valley locking and exceptional tunability. Crucially, they allow electrical switching of their optical response due to efficient interactions of excitonic emitters with free charge carriers, forming new quasiparticles known as trions and Fermi polarons. However, there are major limitations to how fast the light emission of these states can be tuned, restricting the majority of applications to an essentially static regime. Here we demonstrate switching of excitonic light emitters in monolayer semiconductors on ultrafast picosecond time scales by applying short pulses in the terahertz spectral range following optical injection. The process is based on a rapid conversion of trions to excitons by absorption of terahertz photons inducing photodetachment. Monitoring time-resolved emission dynamics in optical-pump/terahertz-push experiments, we achieve the required resonance conditions as well as demonstrate tunability of the process with delay time and terahertz pulse power. Our results introduce a versatile experimental tool for fundamental research of light-emitting excitations of composite Bose–Fermi mixtures and open up pathways towards technological developments of new types of nanophotonic device based on atomically thin materials.

DOI: 10.1038/s41566-024-01512-0

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41566-024-01512-0

Nature Photonics:《自然—光子学》,创刊于2007年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:39.728
