作者: 小柯机器人发布时间:2024/9/11 14:58:53

近日,美国马萨诸塞大学Karin E. Lehnigk及其团队探究了米苏拉洪水的时间。这一研究成果于2024年9月9日发表在国际顶尖学术期刊《地质学》上。


研究报告了大古力上游、哥伦比亚冰川湖和周围洪水路线的不稳定物的10Be暴露年龄。大古力山脉东缘高海拔地区洪水搬运的巨砾可以追溯到大约17-15ka.。来自大古力湖底巨砾的年龄表明,后来的ca.14ka时期的洪水形成晚于峡谷切割,发生在15-14.5ka.加利福尼亚州Telford-Crab Creek疤地被洪水淹没之后。



Title: The timing of Missoula floods: Implications for the age of Grand Coulee (eastern Washington, USA)

Author: Karin E. Lehnigk, Isaac J. Larsen, Brendon J. Quirk, Scott. R. David

Issue&Volume: 2024-09-09

Abstract: The Channeled Scabland of eastern Washington (USA) was formed by outburst floods from glacial Lake Missoula. Despite chronological advances, the timing of erosion in the main flood channels is unresolved. In particular, it is still uncertain whether upper Grand Coulee, the largest canyon in the Channeled Scabland, was incised during or prior to the last glaciation. We report 10Be exposure ages from erratics in upper Grand Coulee, glacial Lake Columbia, and surrounding flood routes. Flood-transported boulders on the high-elevation east rim of Grand Coulee date to ca. 17-15 ka. Ages from boulders on the floor of Grand Coulee indicate later flooding at ca. 14 ka, which post-dated canyon incision and occurred after inundation of the Telford-Crab Creek scabland at ca. 15-14.5 ka. Prior hydraulic modeling and dating suggest the entrance to Grand Coulee was blocked by rock and that canyon incision was incomplete at ca. 17 ka; hence, we interpret the 17-15 ka exposure ages on the east rim to coincide with flow over a retreating cataract during canyon incision. Our results indicate incision of Grand Coulee was completed between 17 ka and 14 ka. The short duration of canyon incision suggests that glacial Lake Missoula generated some of the most erosive outburst floods in Earth’s history.

DOI: 10.1130/G52505.1



