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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/8/4 15:18:57

法国国家科研中心Marc Bajenoff团队近期取得重要工作进展,他们研究提出,非经典单核细胞清除外周血管树内皮细胞中的生长因子CSF1以确保存活和稳态。相关研究成果2024年7月31日在线发表于《免疫》杂志上。





Title: Non-classical monocytes scavenge the growth factor CSF1 from endothelial cells in the peripheral vascular tree to ensure survival and homeostasis

Author: Guilhem R. Thierry, Elisa M. Baudon, Mitchell Bijnen, Alicia Bellomo, Marine Lagueyrie, Isabelle Mondor, Louise Simonnet, Florent Carrette, Romain Fenouil, Sahar Keshvari, David A. Hume, David Dombrowicz, Marc Bajenoff

Issue&Volume: 2024-07-31

Abstract: Unlike sessile macrophages that occupy specialized tissue niches, non-classical monocytes (NCMs)—circulating phagocytes that patrol and cleanse the luminal surface of the vascular tree—are characterized by constant movement. Here, we examined the nature of the NCM’s nurturing niche. Expression of the growth factor CSF1 on endothelial cells was required for survival of NCMs in the bloodstream. Lack of endothelial-derived CSF1 did not affect blood CSF1 concentration, suggesting that NCMs rely on scavenging CSF1 present on endothelial cells. Deletion of the transmembrane chemokine and adhesion factor CX3CL1 on endothelial cells impaired NCM survival. Mechanistically, endothelial-derived CX3CL1 and integrin subunit alpha L (ITGAL) facilitated the uptake of CSF1 by NCMs. CSF1 was produced by all tissular endothelial cells, and deletion of Csf1 in all endothelial cells except bone marrow sinusoids impaired NCM survival, arguing for a model where the full vascular tree acts as a niche for NCMs and where survival and patrolling function are connected.

DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2024.07.005

Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(24)00354-6


