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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/8/16 13:01:01

美国布朗大学的Zhao, Boyang团队研究了最后一次冰川消退以来的热带安第斯气候变化。2024年8月12日出版的《美国科学院院刊》杂志发表了该项最新研究成果。

研究人员利用有机地球化学指标对厄瓜多尔Laguna Llaviucu的沉积物岩心进行了研究,得到了热带安第斯山脉近16,800年来的高分辨率温度和水文气候记录。水文气候记录与亚马逊西部和安第斯山脉东部和中部的记录一致,表明了变化的夏季日照对南美夏季风强度的主要长期影响。





Title: Tropical Andean climate variations since the last deglaciation

Author: Zhao, Boyang, Russell, James M., Blaus, Ansis, Nascimento, Majoi de Novaes, Freeman, Aaron, Bush, Mark B.

Issue&Volume: 2024-8-12

Abstract: Global warming during the Last Glacial Termination was interrupted by millennial-scale cool intervals such as the Younger Dryas and the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR). Although these events are well characterized at high latitudes, their impacts at low latitudes are less well known. We present high-resolution temperature and hydroclimate records from the tropical Andes spanning the past ~16,800 y using organic geochemical proxies applied to a sediment core from Laguna Llaviucu, Ecuador. Our hydroclimate record aligns with records from the western Amazon and eastern and central Andes and indicates a dominant long-term influence of changing austral summer insolation on the intensity of the South American Summer Monsoon. Our temperature record indicates a ~4 °C warming during the glacial termination, stable temperatures in the early to mid-Holocene, and slight, gradual warming since ~6,000 y ago. Importantly, we observe a ~1.5 °C cold reversal coincident with the ACR. These data document a temperature change pattern during the deglaciation in the tropical Andes that resembles temperatures at high southern latitudes, which are thought to be controlled by radiative forcing from atmospheric greenhouse gases and changes in ocean heat transport by the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation.

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2320143121

Source: https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2320143121

