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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/8/11 17:01:15

英国剑桥科学研究所Giovanna R. Mallucci等研究人员合作发现,PERK-ATAD3A互作为内质网应激期间的蛋白质合成提供一个亚细胞的安全避风港。2024年8月8日,《科学》杂志在线发表了这项成果。





Title: PERK-ATAD3A interaction provides a subcellular safe haven for protein synthesis during ER stress

Author: Karinder K. Brar, Daniel T. Hughes, Jordan L. Morris, Kelly Subramanian, Shivaani Krishna, Fei Gao, Lara-Sophie Rieder, Sebastian Uhrig, Joshua Freeman, Heather L. Smith, Rebekkah Jukes-Jones, Edward Avezov, Jodi Nunnari, Julien Prudent, Adrian J. Butcher, Giovanna R. Mallucci

Issue&Volume: 2024-08-08

Abstract: Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress induces repression of protein synthesis throughout the cell. Attempts to understand how localized stress leads to widespread repression have been limited by difficulties in resolving translation rates at the subcellular level. Here, using live-cell imaging of reporter mRNA translation, we unexpectedly found that during ER stress active translation at mitochondria was significantly protected. The mitochondrial protein, ATAD3A, interacted with PERK and mediated this effect on localized translation by competing for binding with PERK’s target, eIF2. PERK-ATAD3A interactions increased during ER stress, forming mitochondria-ER contact sites. Furthermore, ATAD3A binding attenuated local PERK signaling and rescued the expression of some mitochondrial proteins. Thus, PERK-ATAD3A interactions can control translational repression at a subcellular level, mitigating the impact of ER stress on the cell.

DOI: adp7114

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adp7114

