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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/7 17:43:58


研究人员利用H3K27ac CUT&Tag、RNA-seq和选择性标记分析,探讨了两种抗寒中国猪种——闽猪和恩施黑猪(ES猪)在寒冷环境中表观基因组特征的变化。结果显示,寒冷暴露后,闽猪间脑和ES猪脂肪组织中的H3K27ac修饰发生了显著变化。闽猪中H3K27ac修饰的显著变化主要与参与能量代谢和激素调节的基因相关,而ES猪中则主要与免疫相关基因相关。




Title: Epigenomic features associated with body temperature stabilize tissues during cold exposure in cold-resistant pigs

Author: Hong Ma c, Di Liu c, Shuhong Zhao a b d, Yunxia Zhao a b

Issue&Volume: 2024/07/04

Abstract: Cold stress in low-temperature environments can trigger changes in gene expression, but epigenomics regulation of temperature stability in vital tissues, including the fat and diencephalon, is still unclear. Here, we explore the cold-induced changes in epigenomic features in the diencephalon and fat tissues of two cold-resistant Chinese pig breeds, Min and Enshi black (ES) pigs, utilizing H3K27ac CUT&Tag, RNA-seq, and selective signature analysis. Our results show significant alterations in H3K27ac modifications in the diencephalon of Min pigs and the fat of ES pigs after cold exposure. Dramatic changes in H3K27ac modifications in Min pigs are primarily associated with genes involved in energy metabolism and hormone regulation, whereas those in ES pigs are primarily associated with immunity-related genes. Moreover, transcription factors PRDM1 and HSF1, which show evidence of selection, are enriched in genomic regions presenting cold-responsive alterations in H3K27ac modification in the Min pig diencephalon and ES pig fat, respectively. Our results indicate the diversity of epigenomic response mechanisms to cold exposure between Min and ES pigs, providing unique epigenetic resources for studies of low-temperature adaptation in large mammals.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jgg.2024.06.017

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1673852724001590


Journal of Genetics and Genomics《遗传学报》,创刊于1974年。隶属于爱思唯尔出版集团,最新IF:5.9

