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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/18 11:43:13


据悉,虽然1.1 Ga北美中部大陆裂谷系统(MCR)与Keweenaw地幔柱的形成相关联,但此前人们对北部第三裂谷臂或裂陷槽(地幔柱的一般特征)的认识并不深入。




Title: Mantle plume trail beneath the ca. 1.1 Ga North American Midcontinent rift revealed by magnetotelluric data

Author: Lin, Wule, Schultz, Adam, Yang, Bo, Harris, Lyal B, Hu, Xiangyun

Issue&Volume: 2024-07-13

Abstract: Whilst the 1.1 Ga North American Midcontinent Rift system (MCR) is formed in association with the Keweenaw mantle plume, the absence of a northern third rift arm or aulacogen (a general characteristic of mantle plumes) has previously not been well understood. To help clarify this unusual plume-rift relationship and to better establish the region affected by the Keweenaw mantle plume, we present the first electrical resistivity model of the MCR derived from three-dimensional inversion of EarthScope USArray and Lithoprobe magnetotelluric (MT) data, extending northwards into the Archean Superior Province. Our model shows a prominent highly conductive anomaly trending NW-SE at the base of Western Superior's cratonic lithospheric mantle, cross-cutting and extending for over 300 km on both sides of the western rift branch. We propose that this anomaly reflects the ancient signature of a plume trail, resulting from metasomatism and/or partial melting of the sulfide-rich basal lithospheric mantle during impingement of the Keweenaw mantle plume.

DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwae239

Source: https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwae239


National Science Review《国家科学评论》,创刊于2014年。隶属于牛津学术数据库,最新IF:20.6

