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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/10 14:11:44

中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所Mitchell, Ross N等研究人员,通过机器学习揭示了冥古宙的沉积物俯冲。相关论文于2024年7月8日发表于国际顶尖学术期刊《美国科学院院刊》上。

据悉,由于岩石样本的稀缺性,40亿年前(Ga)的冥古宙(Hadean Era)对于理解对生命进化至关重要的陆地风化和板块构造等地质过程提出了挑战。西澳大利亚的杰克山锆石是目前现存最早的冥古宙锆石样本,它通过微量元素特征为岩浆强度和构造成因提供了有价值的见解。但是,尚未就这些证据达成一致的结果。




Title: Sediment subduction in Hadean revealed by machine learning

Author: Jiang, Jilian, Zou, Xinyu, Mitchell, Ross N., Zhang, Yigang, Zhao, Yong, Yin, Qing-Zhu, Yang, Wei, Zhou, Xiqiang, Wang, Hao, Spencer, Christopher J., Shan, Xiaocai, Wu, Shitou, Li, Guangming, Qin, Kezhang, Li, Xian-Hua

Issue&Volume: 2024-7-8

Abstract: Due to the scarcity of rock samples, the Hadean Era predating 4 billion years ago (Ga) poses challenges in understanding geological processes like subaerial weathering and plate tectonics that are critical for the evolution of life. The Jack Hills zircon from Western Australia, the primary Hadean samples available, offer valuable insights into magma sources and tectonic genesis through trace element signatures. However, a consensus on these signatures has not been reached. To address this, we developed a machine learning classifier capable of deciphering the geochemical fingerprints of zircon. This allowed us to identify the oldest detrital zircon originating from sedimentary-derived “S-type” granites. Our results indicate the presence of S-type granites as early as 4.24 Ga, persisting throughout the Hadean into the Archean. Examining global detrital zircon across Earth’s history reveals consistent supercontinent-like cycles from the present back to the Hadean. These findings suggest that a significant amount of Hadean continental crust was exposed, weathered into sediments, and incorporated into the magma sources of Jack Hills zircon. Only the early operation of both subaerial weathering and plate subduction can account for the prevalence of S-type granites we observe. Additionally, the periodic evolution of S-type granite proportions implies that subduction-driven tectonic cycles were active during the Hadean, at least around 4.2 Ga. The evidence thus points toward an early Earth resembling the modern Earth in terms of active tectonics and habitable surface conditions. This suggests the potential for life to originate in environments like warm ponds rather than extreme hydrothermal settings.

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2405160121

Source: https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2405160121

