近日,美国麻省理工学院的Raymond Ashoori&
Title: Ultrafast high-endurance memory based on sliding ferroelectrics
Author: Kenji Yasuda, Evan Zalys-Geller, Xirui Wang, Daniel Bennett, Suraj S Cheema, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Efthimios Kaxiras, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Raymond Ashoori
Issue&Volume: 2024-06-06
Abstract: The persistence of voltage-switchable collective electronic phenomena down to the atomic scale has extensive implications for area-efficient and energy-efficient electronics, especially in emerging nonvolatile memory technology. We investigate the performance of a ferroelectric field-effect transistor (FeFET) based on sliding ferroelectricity in bilayer boron nitride at room temperature. Sliding ferroelectricity represents a different form of atomically thin two-dimensional ferroelectrics, characterized by the switching of out-of-plane polarization through interlayer sliding motion. We examined the FeFET device employing monolayer graphene as the channel layer, which demonstrated ultrafast switching speeds on the nanosecond scale and high endurance exceeding 1011 switching cycles, comparable to state-of-the-art FeFET devices. These characteristics highlight the potential of two-dimensional sliding ferroelectrics for inspiring next-generation nonvolatile memory technology.
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adp3575