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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/5 15:52:28






Title: Experimental constraints on the formation of oxychlorine species by UV irradiation and mechanical pulverization on the lunar surface

Author: Li, Jiamei, Zhao, Yu-Yan Sara, Cui, He, Qu, Shuai-Yi, Peng, Yanhua, Yang, Yuhong, Li, Xiongyao

Issue&Volume: 2024-06-03

Abstract: Perchlorate and chlorate are present in various extraterrestrial celestial bodies throughout the solar system, such as Mars, the moon, and asteroids. To date, the origin mechanisms of perchlorate and chlorate on the Martian surface have been well-established; however, relatively little attention has been cast to airless bodies. Here, we experimentally investigated the potential oxidation mechanisms of chloride to chlorate and perchlorate, such as ultraviolet irradiation under H2O- and O2-free conditions and mechanical pulverization processes. Individual minerals, olivine, pyroxene, ilmenite, magnetite, TiO2 and anhydrous ferric sulfate, and lunar regolith simulants (low Ti, CLRS-1; high-Ti, CLRS-2) and their metallic iron (Fe0) bearing counterparts were examined. We found that pulverization of dry matrix material-halite mixtures, even in the presence of O2, does not necessarily lead to perchlorate and chlorate formation without involving water. Under photocatalytic and H2O- and O2-free conditions, olivine and pyroxene can produce oxychlorine (ClOx-) species, although the yields were orders of magnitude lower than those under Martian-relevant conditions. Nanophase-Fe0 particles in the lunar regolith and the common photocatalyst TiO2 can facilitate the ClOx- formation, but their yields were lower than those with olivine. The oxides ilmenite and magnetite did not efficiently contribute to ClOx- production. Our results highlight the critical role of H2O in the oxidation chloride to chlorate and perchlorate, and provide essential insights into the environmental influence on the formation of oxychlorine species on different celestial bodies.

DOI: 10.1007/s11631-024-00707-0

Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11631-024-00707-0


Acta Geochimica《地球化学学报》,创刊于1982年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:1.6

