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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/29 14:05:36

英国剑桥大学Mashayek, Ali及其课题组最新的研究报道了湍流混合作用下海山在深海上升流中的作用。2024年6月25日出版的《美国科学院院刊》杂志发表了这项成果。





Title: On the role of seamounts in upwelling deep-ocean waters through turbulent mixing

Author: Mashayek, Ali, Gula, Jonathan, Baker, Lois E., Naveira Garabato, Alberto C., Cimoli, Laura, Riley, James J., de Lavergne, Casimir

Issue&Volume: 2024-6-25

Abstract: Turbulent mixing in the ocean exerts an important control on the rate and structure of the overturning circulation. However, the balance of processes underpinning this mixing is subject to significant uncertainties, limiting our understanding of the overturning’s deep upwelling limb. Here, we investigate the hitherto primarily neglected role of tens of thousands of seamounts in sustaining deep-ocean upwelling. Dynamical theory indicates that seamounts may stir and mix deep waters by generating lee waves and topographic wake vortices. At low latitudes, stirring and mixing are predicted to be enhanced by a layered vortex regime in the wakes. Using three realistic regional simulations spanning equatorial to middle latitudes, we show that layered wake vortices and elevated mixing are widespread around seamounts. We identify scalings that relate mixing rate within seamount wakes to topographic and hydrographic parameters. We then apply such scalings to a global seamount dataset and an ocean climatology to show that seamount-generated mixing makes an important contribution to the upwelling of deep waters. Our work thus brings seamounts to the fore of the deep-ocean mixing problem and urges observational, theoretical, and modeling efforts toward incorporating the seamounts’ mixing effects in conceptual and numerical ocean circulation models.

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2322163121

Source: https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2322163121

