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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/25 16:08:23

北京大学Jun Li小组发现,颗粒细胞中的齿状回形态发生受自闭症风险基因Trio功能的调控。相关论文于2024年6月22日在线发表在《神经科学通报》杂志上。




Title: Dentate Gyrus Morphogenesis is Regulated by an Autism Risk Gene Trio Function in Granule Cells

Author: Sun, Mengwen, Xue, Weizhen, Meng, Hu, Sun, Xiaoxuan, Lu, Tianlan, Yue, Weihua, Wang, Lifang, Zhang, Dai, Li, Jun

Issue&Volume: 2024-06-22

Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are reported as a group of neurodevelopmental disorders. The structural changes of brain regions including the hippocampus were widely reported in autistic patients and mouse models with dysfunction of ASD risk genes, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Here, we report that deletion of Trio, a high-susceptibility gene of ASDs, causes a postnatal dentate gyrus (DG) hypoplasia with a zigzagged suprapyramidal blade, and the Trio-deficient mice display autism-like behaviors. The impaired morphogenesis of DG is mainly caused by disturbing the postnatal distribution of postmitotic granule cells (GCs), which further results in a migration deficit of neural progenitors. Furthermore, we reveal that Trio plays different roles in various excitatory neural cells by spatial transcriptomic sequencing, especially the role of regulating the migration of postmitotic GCs. In summary, our findings provide evidence of cellular mechanisms that Trio is involved in postnatal DG morphogenesis.

DOI: 10.1007/s12264-024-01241-y

Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12264-024-01241-y


Neuroscience Bulletin《神经科学通报》,创刊于2006年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:5.6

