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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/18 14:12:09


该研究团队成功展示了一种可通过溶液加工的天然晶体C3H8N6I6·3H2O,在可见光至红外光谱区域内,其双折射系数高达2.8,表现出极为显著的双折射特性。通过结合临界点分析和第一性原理计算,研究人员发现,这种显著的光学各向异性主要源于晶体中平行排列的线性(I3) -结构单元,这种结构使得不同晶体轴上的偏振率差异达到最大化。




Title: A solution-processable natural crystal with giant optical anisotropy for efficient manipulation of light polarization

Author: Zhou, Yang, Guo, Zhengfeng, Gu, Honggang, Li, Yanqiang, Song, Yipeng, Liu, Shiyuan, Hong, Maochun, Zhao, Sangen, Luo, Junhua

Issue&Volume: 2024-06-14

Abstract: Optical anisotropy, a spatially asymmetric light–matter interaction that manifests itself as birefringence and dichroism, is paramount for manipulating light polarization in modern optics. So far, various natural birefringent crystals are widely used, but their birefringence is limited to <0.3. Here we demonstrate a solution-processable natural crystal C3H8N6I6·3H2O with giant birefringence up to 2.8 within the visible to infrared spectral region. Combining critical point analysis and the first-principles calculations, we reveal that this giant optical anisotropy mainly comes from the linear (I3) -structural units in a parallel arrangement, which maximizes the difference of polarizability along the different crystallographic axes. This work highlights the potential of natural polyiodide crystals as an outstanding platform to satisfy the increasing demand for photonic applications that exploit polarization in optical communication, three-dimensional imaging, ultrahigh-resolution sensing and other tasks.

DOI: 10.1038/s41566-024-01461-8

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41566-024-01461-8

Nature Photonics:《自然—光子学》,创刊于2007年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:39.728
