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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/4/3 11:47:40



在岩浆阶段,原生角闪岩和黑云母(I型)在相对较高的温度(744-827℃)和低fO2 (logfO2=-12.26到-11.91)下结晶。与原始岩浆相比,岩浆中溶解的热液温度相对较低(621-711℃),fO2 (logfO2 =-14.36到-13.32)。此外,矿石中磁黄铁矿含量高,原生磁铁矿和硫酸盐(即硬石膏和石膏)含量不足,表明该矿床可能为还原型斑岩矿床。结合前人对普朗矿床岩浆fO2 的研究和本研究中岩浆和流体fO2 结果,与普朗矿组合伴生的岩浆最初是一种高氧化岩浆,随后被图姆沟组的沉积岩还原。


Title: Reduced magma generation and its implications for the Pulang giant porphyry Cu-polymetallic deposit in Northwest Yunnan, China

Author: Guan, Jingwei, Ren, Tao, Wang, Lei, Guan, Shenjin, Wu, Lianrong, Shi, Baosheng

Issue&Volume: 2024-04-01

Abstract: The Pulang giant porphyry Cu-Mo polymetallic deposit is located in the Zhongdian area in the center of the Sanjiang Tethys tectonic domain, which was formed by the westward subduction of the Garze-Litang oceanic slab beneath the Zhongza massif. Chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite-pyrite-molybdenite occurs as disseminations, veins, veinlets, and stockworks distributed in the K-silicate alteration zone in the monzonite porphyry, which is superimposed by propylitization. The chemical compositions of biotite and amphibole analyzed by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) indicate that the ore-forming magma and exsolved fluids experienced a continuous decrease in the oxygen fugacity (fO2). Primary amphibolite and biotite (type I) crystallized at relatively high temperatures (744–827 °C) and low fO2 (logfO2=-12.26 to -11.91) during the magmatic stage. Hydrothermal fluids exsolved from the magma have a relatively lower temperature (621–711 °C) and fO2 (logfO2=-14.36 to -13.32) than the original magma. In addition, the presence of a high abundance of pyrrhotite and an insufficiency of primary magnetite and sulfate in the ore (i.e., anhydrite and gypsum) indicate that the deposit may be a reduced porphyry deposit. Magma and fluid fO2 results, combined with previous research on magmatic fO2 at the Pulang deposit, indicate that the magma associated with the reduced Pulang ore assemblages was initially generated as a highly oxidized magma that was subsequently reduced by sedimentary rocks of the Tumugou Formation.

DOI: 10.1007/s11631-024-00686-2

Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11631-024-00686-2


Acta Geochimica《地球化学学报》,创刊于1982年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:1.6

