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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/4/20 13:46:16

美国宇航局Kathy Mandt团队在研究中取得进展。他们报道了木卫一上长期火山活动的同位素证据。相关论文于2024年4月18日发表在《科学》杂志上。


课题组人员对木卫一大气进行毫米尺度观测,测量气态SO2和SO中的硫同位素,气态NaCl和KCl中的氯同位素。该研究团队发现34S/32S = 0.0595±0.0038(相当于δ34S = +347±86‰),与太阳系的平均值相比,它是高富集的,这表明木卫一已经损失了94-99%的有效硫。测量值为37Cl/35Cl = 0.403±0.028 (δ37Cl = +263±88‰),表明氯同样富集。



Title: Isotopic evidence of long-lived volcanism on Io

Author: Katherine de Kleer, Ery C. Hughes, Francis Nimmo, John Eiler, Amy E. Hofmann, Statia Luszcz-Cook, Kathy Mandt

Issue&Volume: 2024-04-18

Abstract: Jupiter’s moon Io hosts extensive volcanism, driven by tidal heating. The isotopic composition of Io’s inventory of volatile chemical elements, including sulfur and chlorine, reflects its outgassing and mass loss history, and thus records information about its evolution. We used millimeter observations of Io’s atmosphere to measure sulfur isotopes in gaseous SO2 and SO, and chlorine isotopes in gaseous NaCl and KCl. We find 34S/32S = 0.0595 ± 0.0038 (equivalent to δ34S = +347 ± 86‰), which is highly enriched compared to average Solar System values and indicates that Io has lost 94 to 99% of its available sulfur. Our measurement of 37Cl/35Cl = 0.403 ± 0.028 (δ37Cl = +263 ± 88‰) shows that chlorine is similarly enriched. These results indicate that Io has been volcanically active for most (or all) of its history, with potentially higher outgassing and mass-loss rates at earlier times.

DOI: adj0625

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adj0625


