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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/4/10 15:22:04

北京大学Jackson Champer小组发现,带有复用gRNA的一个归巢拯救基因驱动在笼养种群中达到高频率,但会产生功能抗性。该研究于2024年4月8日发表于国际学术期刊《遗传学报》。



这些等位基因有较大的缺失,但很可能利用了另一个起始密码子,它们与驱动基因相比具有较小的适应性优势。因此,为了避免这种功能性抗性,即使使用复用gRNA,也可能需要针对目标基因的更重要区域修改设计策略。用其他物种的同源物替代原生3' UTR的拯救元件,可使驱动遗传性提高13%-24%。这可能是因为拯救元件与附近的原生DNA之间的同源性降低了,这也可能是利用拯救元件的基因驱动在设计时需要考虑的一个重要因素。


Title: A homing rescue gene drive with multiplexed gRNAs reaches high frequency in cage populations but generates functional resistance

Author: Jackson Champer

Issue&Volume: 2024/04/08

Abstract: CRISPR homing gene drive is a potent technology with considerable potential for managing populations of medically and agriculturally significant insects. It induces a bias in the inheritance of the drive allele in progeny, rapidly spreading the desired gene construct throughout the population. Homing drives operate by Cas9 cleavage followed by homology-directed repair, copying the drive allele to the wild-type chromosome. However, resistance alleles formed by end-joining repair pose a significant obstacle to the spread of the drive. To address this challenge, we create a homing drive targeting the essential but haplosufficient hairy gene in Drosophila melanogaster. Our strategy involves eliminating nonfunctional resistance alleles, which are recessive lethal, while rescuing drive-carrying individuals with a recoded version of hairy. The drive inheritance rate is moderate, and multigenerational cage studies show drive spread to 96%–97% of the population. However, the drive fails to reach the whole population due to the formation of functional resistance alleles, despite use of four gRNAs. These alleles have a large deletion but likely utilize an alternate start codon, and they have a small fitness advantage over the drive. Thus, revised design strategies targeting more essential regions of a target gene may often be necessary to avoid such functional resistance, even when using multiplexed gRNAs. Replacement of the native 3' UTR of the rescue element with a homolog from another species increases drive inheritance by 13%–24%. This was possibly because of reduced homology between the rescue element and nearby native DNA, which could also be an important design consideration for gene drives that utilize rescue elements.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jgg.2024.04.001

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1673852724000705


Journal of Genetics and Genomics《遗传学报》,创刊于1974年。隶属于爱思唯尔出版集团,最新IF:5.9

