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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/3/5 13:37:07



基于此,本研究对1987—2018年积雪覆盖的精细分辨率被动微波(PMW)积雪深度(SD)数据进行了时空格局分析,揭示了气候因子对积雪深度变化的潜在影响。结果表明:冬季积雪期SD的年际变化在2.90-9.60 cm之间,年平均SD呈轻微增加的趋势(P >0.05),速率为0.009 cm/yr。在融雪期,积雪对土壤体积水分的增加有一定的贡献,而SD的变化受气温的影响显著。12月和3月,SD与气温呈负相关关系,与降水呈正相关关系。3月份,镇赉、大安、迁安、前郭县的相关系数均超过0.5。10月,吉林西部地区的SD与降水呈负相关关系,11月和4月,个别分区的SD与降水呈负相关关系。


Title: Spatiotemporal Changes of Snow Depth in Western Jilin, China from 1987 to 2018

Author: Wei, Yanlin, Li, Xiaofeng, Gu, Lingjia, Zheng, Zhaojun, Zheng, Xingming, Jiang, Tao

Issue&Volume: 2024-03-01

Abstract: Seasonal snow cover is a key global climate and hydrological system component drawing considerable attention due to global warming conditions. However, the spatiotemporal snow cover patterns are challenging in western Jilin, China due to natural conditions and sparse observation. Hence, this study investigated the spatiotemporal patterns of snow cover using fine-resolution passive microwave (PMW) snow depth (SD) data from 1987 to 2018, and revealed the potential influence of climate factors on SD variations. The results indicated that the interannual range of SD was between 2.90 cm and 9.60 cm during the snowy winter seasons and the annual mean SD showed a slightly increasing trend (P > 0.05) at a rate of 0.009 cm/yr. In snowmelt periods, the snow cover contributed to an increase in volumetric soil water, and the change in SD was significantly affected by air temperature. The correlation between SD and air temperature was negative, while the correlation between SD and precipitation was positive during December and March. In March, the correlation coefficient exceeded 0.5 in Zhenlai, Da’an, Qianan, and Qianguo counties. However, the SD and precipitation were negatively correlated over western Jilin in October, and several subregions presented a negative correlation between SD and precipitation in November and April.

DOI: 10.1007/s11769-023-1400-y

Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11769-023-1400-y


Chinese Geographical Science《中国地理科学》,创刊于1991年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:3.4

