美国芝加哥大学Kevin G. Buell团队研究了机械通气危重症成人个体化氧合目标的治疗效果。这一研究成果于2024年3月19日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上。
在ICU-ROX验证队列中,对个体患者使用较低与较高SpO2目标治疗的预测效果,28天死亡率从27.2%的绝对降低到34.4%的绝对增加不等。例如,预测受益于较低SpO2目标的患者急性脑损伤的发生率较高,而预测受益于较高SpO2目标的患者败血症和生命体征异常升高的发生率更高。预测受益于较低SpO2目标的患者在随机分配到较低SpO2目标组时死亡率较低,而预测受益于较高SpO2目标的患者在随机化到较高SpO2目标组时死亡较低(效应修正的似然比检验P = .02)。使用预测对每位患者最有利的SpO2目标,而不是随机的SpO2目标,将使绝对总死亡率降低6.4%(95%CI,1.9%-10.9%)。
Title: Individualized Treatment Effects of Oxygen Targets in Mechanically Ventilated Critically Ill Adults
Author: Kevin G. Buell, Alexandra B. Spicer, Jonathan D. Casey, Kevin P. Seitz, Edward T. Qian, Emma J. Graham Linck, Wesley H. Self, Todd W. Rice, Pratik Sinha, Paul J. Young, Matthew W. Semler, Matthew M. Churpek
Issue&Volume: 2024-03-19
Importance Among critically ill adults, randomized trials have not found oxygenation targets to affect outcomes overall. Whether the effects of oxygenation targets differ based on an individual’s characteristics is unknown.
Objective To determine whether an individual’s characteristics modify the effect of lower vs higher peripheral oxygenation-saturation (Spo2) targets on mortality.
Design, Setting, and Participants A machine learning model to predict the effect of treatment with a lower vs higher Spo2 target on mortality for individual patients was derived in the Pragmatic Investigation of Optimal Oxygen Targets (PILOT) trial and externally validated in the Intensive Care Unit Randomized Trial Comparing Two Approaches to Oxygen Therapy (ICU-ROX) trial. Critically ill adults received invasive mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit (ICU) in the United States between July 2018 and August 2021 for PILOT (n=1682) and in 21 ICUs in Australia and New Zealand between September 2015 and May 2018 for ICU-ROX (n=965).
Exposures Randomization to a lower vs higher Spo2 target group.
Main Outcome and Measure 28-Day mortality.
Results In the ICU-ROX validation cohort, the predicted effect of treatment with a lower vs higher Spo2 target for individual patients ranged from a 27.2% absolute reduction to a 34.4% absolute increase in 28-day mortality. For example, patients predicted to benefit from a lower Spo2 target had a higher prevalence of acute brain injury, whereas patients predicted to benefit from a higher Spo2 target had a higher prevalence of sepsis and abnormally elevated vital signs. Patients predicted to benefit from a lower Spo2 target experienced lower mortality when randomized to the lower Spo2 group, whereas patients predicted to benefit from a higher Spo2 target experienced lower mortality when randomized to the higher Spo2 group (likelihood ratio test for effect modification P=.02). The use of a Spo2 target predicted to be best for each patient, instead of the randomized Spo2 target, would have reduced the absolute overall mortality by 6.4% (95% CI, 1.9%-10.9%).
Conclusion and relevance Oxygenation targets that are individualized using machine learning analyses of randomized trials may reduce mortality for critically ill adults. A prospective trial evaluating the use of individualized oxygenation targets is needed.
DOI: 10.1001/jama.2024.2933
JAMA-Journal of The American Medical Association:《美国医学会杂志》,创刊于1883年。隶属于美国医学协会,最新IF:157.335