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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/3/12 11:50:43


由于描述中国旱地降水时空分布的数据集存在较大的不确定性,本研究提出了一个用于1980-2019年期间,新的合并月降水量的产品,其空间分辨率约为0.2°× 0.2°(纬度×经度)。




Title: A New Merged Product Revealed Precipitation Features over Drylands in China

Author: Min Luo, Yuzhi Liu, Jie Gao, Run Luo, Jinxia Zhang, Ziyuan Tan, Siyu Chen, Khan Alam

Issue&Volume: 2024-03-08

Abstract: Due to the considerable uncertainties inherent in the datasets describing the spatiotemporal distributions of precipitation in the drylands of China, this study presents a new merged monthly precipitation product with a spatial resolution of approximately 0.2° × 0.2° (latitude × longitude) during the period of 1980–2019. The newly developed precipitation product was validated at different temporal scales (e.g., monthly, seasonally and annually). The results showed that the new product aligned consistently with the spatiotemporal distributions reported by the Chinese Meteorological Administration Land Data Assimilation System (CLDAS) product and Multi-Source Weighted Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP). The merged product exhibited exceptional quality in describing the drylands of China, with a bias of -2.19 mm/month relative to MSWEP. In addition, the annual trend of the merged product (0.09 mm/month per year) also closely aligns with that of the MSWEP (0.11 mm/month per year) during 1980–2019. The increasing trend indicates that the water cycle and wetting process intensified in the drylands of China during this period. In particular, there was an increase in wetting during the period from 2001–2019. Generally, the merged product exhibits potential value for improving our understanding of the climate and water cycle in the drylands of China.

DOI: 10.1007/s00376-024-3159-1

Source: http://www.iapjournals.ac.cn/aas/en/article/doi/10.1007/s00376-024-3159-1viewType=HTML


Advances in Atmospheric Sciences《大气科学进展》,创刊于1984年。隶属于科学出版社,最新IF:5.8

